A-C27-100-11 (1)
When printing this document to legal size paper, place a check mark beside the
“Auto-rotate and center pages” option of the Print dialog box. This prints the
document on the center of the page.
“OPEN-R” is the standard interface for the
AIBO Entertainment Robot system that Sony
is actively promoting. This interface expands
the capability of the entertainment robot
through a flexible combination of hardware
and interchangeable software to suit various
Words that the AIBO Entertainment Robot can understand
(AIBO EYES feature) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Command parameter list (for AIBO MAIL commands) 46
parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
MSG, PLAY command parameters . . . . . . . . . . 47
The AIBO robot ERS-7 conforms to OPEN-R
version 1.1.5.
AIBO Entertainment Robot ERS-7 light . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Viewing pictures taken by the AIBO Entertainment
“AIBO”, the AIBO logo
logo , “Memory Stick”,
trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Corporation.
, “OPEN-R” and the OPEN-R
and are
Robot with a “Memory Stick™” media reader/writer . . 49
WLANCONF.TXT parameter list . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
AIBO Entertainment Robot network settings . . . . . . . 58
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Netscape Navigator is trademark of Netscape
Communications Corporation.
Before using this software, please read the accompanying
End-User License Agreement which governs use of this software.
All other names of systems, products and services are
trademarks of their respective owners.
• This software or document is protected by copyright, and distributed
under licenses restricting its use, copying, and distribution. No part of
this software or document may be reproduced in any form by any means
and rental of this software may not be allowed without prior
Other information about the AIBO robot is available on the
Internet at the following site:
authorization of Sony Corporation.
• Sony Corporation assumes no responsibility for any inconvenience
caused by misuse or any use not stated in this document.
• The supplied software cannot be used with any device other than those
devices specified herein.
Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is
prohibited. All rights reserved.
• Some mobile communication devices may not work with the AIBO
EYES feature due to unique configurations. Sony Corporation assumes
no responsibility, in the case that the AIBO EYES feature does not work
with such mobile communication devices.
• The specifications of the supplied software are subject to change
without notice.
Welcome to AIBO® Entertainment Robot ERS-7
PC network
Using the wireless LAN functionality of the AIBO Entertainment Robot ERS-7, you can view pictures taken by your AIBO
robot in the AIBO Photo Album, in real-time. You can also use your mobile communication device* (with Internet
connectivity) or a standard connection to the Internet to play with the AIBO EYES feature. With AIBO Entertainment Player
E-mail server
Network settings (page 8)
AIBO Entertainment Player
First, set up the network.
See the “User’s Guide (AIBO
Entertainment Player)” for the AIBO
robot ERS-7 (PDF).
AIBO EYES feature (page 20)
AIBO Photo Album
(page 16)
You can use a Web browser to
access your AIBO robot and
browse the pictures it has
By sending the AIBO robot an e-mail while you are
away from home, you can have it take pictures,
forward pictures taken in House Sitting mode as an
attachment, and convey messages to family and
friends who are in the vicinity of the AIBO robot.
Wireless LAN
access point
The AIBO MIND 2 software
“Memory Stick™” media
* Your mobile communication device must have JPEG e-mail viewing capability.
Confirming system requirements
To use the AIBO EYES feature, your system must meet the following requirements.
The AIBO EYES feature cannot be used with USB-
type cable and DSL modems.
E-mail server
A PC is required to configure the AIBO Entertainment
Robot’s network and mail settings, as well as to view
pictures taken by the AIBO robot via a Web browser. A
“Memory Stick™” media reader/writer*1 is required.
• In order to connect your PC to an access point via a
wireless LAN, your PC must have an IEEE 802.11b
compatible wireless LAN adaptor.
• A Web browser must be installed.
• An e-mail account that supports POP*2 receiving and
SMTP sending is required.
*1Only Sony products are guaranteed to operate correctly.
*2The POP server must support the UIDL command (the
command that displays a listing of IDs attached to
individual e-mail messages). Check with your Internet
service provider to determine whether support is
available for your e-mail account.
PC (connected to a wired LAN)
(e.g. Cable
modem, DSL,
Access point
for Wireless
To the
The system must
always be
connected to the
PC (connected to
a wireless LAN)
Either the modem
or the access point
must have a router
software “Memory Stick”
Please set the
When taking pictures of a certain scene at set intervals,
place the AIBO robot on its Energy Station.
The AIBO robot’s clock features, as well as user-
defined sleep/wake-up features are only available while
the AIBO robot is in Station mode.
authorization mode to
“Open System
You can specify either
WEP-encrypted or
unencrypted network
The AIBO robot Energy Station
Using only the AIBO Photo Album
• An e-mail account and continuous Internet connection are not needed.
• A PC that supports a wireless LAN can be used in place of a wireless LAN access point.
Enabling the Wireless LAN function
In order to enable the AIBO® Entertainment Robot’s
wireless LAN function, turn the wireless switch on its body
to ON.
2 Slide the wireless switch to ON, and close the
If the AIBO robot is still operating, first press the pause
button to put the AIBO robot in Pause mode.
1 Hold the AIBO robot firmly, turn it upside
down, and open the cover.
Simply turning ON the switch will not make the wireless LAN
function usable. Refer to the next page for instructions on how to
set up the network.
• When lifting the AIBO robot, always hold it by its body, and not
its extremities. (Those with small hands may have difficulty
handling the AIBO robot.)
• Do not touch the charging terminal on the AIBO robot’s stomach
with your bare hands. Touching the contacts will reduce contact
This section will guide you through the setup needed to enable your AIBO robot’s wireless LAN function.
A “Memory Stick™” media reader/writer* is required to set up the network.
* Only Sony products are guaranteed to operate correctly.
Network setup procedure
Which OS are you running?
If you are using the Microsoft Windows
For other operating systems (Windows 98,
Mac OS , etc.), you can change the AIBO
MIND 2 software “Memory Stick” media
settings directly to match your network
SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows
XP (Home Edition or Professional) operating
Using the “AIBO WLAN Manager 2” on the
CD-ROM included with the AIBO
Entertainment Robot ERS-7, you can
configure the AIBO MIND 2 software “Memory
Stick” media to match your network device
For details, refer to “Editing “WLANCONF.TXT”
manually” on page 52.
Refer to the next page for setup instructions.
*1Hereafter shortened to “Windows”.
*2“AIBO WLAN Manager 2” is a utility program
used to configure the wireless LAN connection
settings on the AIBO robot. “AIBO WLAN
Manager 2” runs under the Windows 98 SE,
Windows 2000, Windows Me, and Windows
XP (Home Edition/Professional) operating
Installing the “AIBO WLAN Manager 2”
Install the “AIBO WLAN Manager 2” on your PC.
Insert the CD-ROM included with the AIBO Entertainment Robot ERS-7 into your CD-ROM drive.
The installer will automatically start.
If the installer does not start, double-click the “Setup.exe” file in the CD.
Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.
Windows® XP users must install Universal Plug and Play
(If you are not using Windows XP, the following procedure is unnecessary.)
Windows XP operating system users must install Universal Plug and Play in order to use the AIBO robot’s search
function. Use the following procedure to install Universal Plug and Play.
1 Click “Start”t “Control Panel”.
2 Select “Add/Remove Programs” t “Add/Remove Windows Components”.
3 In the “Components” list, select the “Network Services” check box, and then click “Details”.
4 Select the “Universal Plug and Play” check box, and then click “OK”.
If you used a CD to install the Windows operating system, you will be prompted to insert it into your computer.
5 Click “Next” to start installation.
6 When the “Completed the Windows Components Wizard” screen appears, click “Finish”.
Installation of Universal Plug and Play is now complete.
7 Close the “Add/Remove Programs” window.
8 Close the “Control Panel” window.
2 Insert the AIBO MIND 2 software “Memory
Stick” media into the “Memory Stick” media
If you are using Windows XP SP2 (Service Pack2) and Windows
Firewall is set to block the UPnP Framework service, the AIBO
search function will not be able to detect the AIBO robot. Follow
the steps below to add the UPnP Framework to the list of
unblocked services.
1Click “Start” t “Control Panel”.
2Double-click “Windows Firewall”.
3Click the “Exceptions” tab on the “Windows Firewall” window.
4Place a check mark by “UPnP Framework” in the “Programs
and Services” list, and click “OK”.
Make sure the AIBO MIND 2 software “Memory Stick” media
safety switch is not in the “LOCK” position. If the switch is set to
“LOCK”, then the AIBO Entertainment Robot’s network settings
and pictures will not be stored.
5Close the “Control Panel” window.
3 Configure each setting to match your network
environment, and click Write.
Configuring network settings with
the “AIBO WLAN Manager 2”
Configuration options will differ depending on whether
your network is using a DHCP Server*.
Using the “AIBO WLAN Manager 2”, you can configure the
AIBO MIND 2 software “Memory Stick™” media to match
your network device settings.
The DHCP server allows an IP address to be
automatically allocated to a device on the network.
* For details on DHCP server functionality, refer to the instruction
manuals included with your modem or access point.
1 If using the Windows XP operating system,
click “Start” t “All Programs” t “AIBO
WLAN Manager 2” t “AIBO WLAN
Manager 2”.
If using an operating system other than Windows XP,
click “Start” t “Programs” t “AIBO WLAN
Manager 2” t “AIBO WLAN Manager 2”.
The “AIBO WLAN Manager 2” starts, and the “AIBO
WLAN Manager 2” dialog box appears.
Use the following procedure to confirm whether or not you are using a DHCP server
in your network environment
(This procedure is for the Windows® XP operating system only. If using another operating system, consult its Help.)
1 Click “Start” t “Control Panel”.
2 Click “Network and Internet Connections” t “Network Connections”.
3 Right-click either “Wireless Network Connection” or “Local Area Connection”, and select “Properties”.
4 On the “General” tab, select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” under “This connection uses the following items”.
Click “Properties”.
5 Confirm your settings.
If “Obtain an IP address automatically” is selected
The DHCP server function is in use.
Proceed to page 12.
If “Use the following IP address” is selected
You are not using a DHCP server.
Proceed to page 13.
c In this case, use the following steps to manually assign your AIBO® Entertainment Robot an IP address.
Make a note of your PC’s IP address displayed under “Use the following IP address”. Choose an IP address
for your AIBO robot that does not conflict with this.
E.g. Your PC’s IP address:
t Your AIBO robot’s IP address:, etc. (anything other than
Configure settings on the “Easy” tab.
When using a DHCP server, changes to the “Advanced” tab (page 13) are unnecessary.
1 Click the “Browse” button, and specify the drive where the AIBO MIND 2
software “Memory Stick™” media is set (e.g. “S:” drive).
2 The name that you enter here will appear as the “AIBO Name” on the “AIBO
Search” tab (page 14). This name can be up to 8 alphanumeric characters and
must contain at least one letter.
3 Enter the network name (SSID) used by the wireless LAN access point.
(Maximum of 32 characters. Only alphanumeric characters and symbols are
4 Configure if using WEP (page 61). (If not using WEP, no settings are
necessary.) If using WEP, select the “Enable WEP Encryption” check box, and
enter the passkey (WEP)* for the wireless LAN access point. (Passkeys must
consist of alphanumeric characters or symbols. For [ASCII], the passkey must
be 5 or 13 characters. For [HEX], it must be 10 or 26 characters.)
Example Configuration
WEP64 (40 bit)
WEP128 (104 bit) ENTERTAINMENT 454e5445525441494e74d454e54
5 Confirm your settings, and click this button.
* To insure security, the encrypted passkey (WEP) is displayed with 13
asterisks (*) for ASCII and 26 for HEX, regardless of the number of characters
When not using a DHCP server in your network environment
Configure settings in the “Advanced” tab.
When not using a DHCP server, changes to the “Easy” tab (page 12) are unnecessary.
1 Click the “Browse” button, and specify the drive where the AIBO MIND 2
software “Memory Stick™” media is set (e.g. “S:” drive).
2 Enter the network name (SSID) used by the wireless LAN access point.
(Maximum of 32 characters. Only alphanumeric characters and symbols
are allowed.)
3 Configure if using WEP (page 61). (If not using WEP, no settings are
necessary.) If using WEP, select the “Enable WEP Encryption” check
box, and enter the passkey (WEP) used by the wireless LAN access
point. Alphanumeric passkeys must be 5 or 13 characters. Hexadecimal
passkeys must be 10 or 26 characters.
4 Select “Use the following IP address”, and fill in the following fields:
•Enter the IP address* that the AIBO® Entertainment Robot is using.
•Enter the subnet mask that the AIBO robot is using.
•Enter the IP address of the device that is acting as a router.
6 Select this option and enter the IP address of the device that is acting as
a router.
7 Confirm your settings, and click this button.
The name that you enter here will appear as the
“AIBO Name” on the “AIBO Search” tab (page
14). This name can be up to 8 alphanumeric
characters and must contain at least one letter.
* For information on your AIBO robot’s IP address, refer to page 11.
For additional settings, refer to “AIBO Entertainment Robot network settings” on page 58.
4 Remove the AIBO MIND 2 software “Memory Stick™”
Pause button
media from the reader/writer. Insert it into the AIBO
Entertainment Robot, and press the pause button on the
AIBO robot’s back to activate the AIBO robot.
For instructions on inserting the “Memory Stick” media, refer to
the “User’s Guide (Basic)” for the AIBO robot ERS-7.
Once your AIBO robot is activated, go to the “AIBO Search” tab in the “AIBO WLAN Manager 2” dialog
box, and click Search
An icon appears if the AIBO robot is on the same network as your PC.
An icon will appear only if the “Enable SSDP” check box is selected.
After clicking “Search”, the AIBO robots using the same network
as the PC are shown.
When you click an AIBO icon in the list above, information for that
AIBO robot is displayed.
Click this button.
• If the AIBO icon does not appear even after clicking the “Search” button,
then the PC cannot communicate with the AIBO robot wirelessly.
Confirm the settings on the “Easy” and “Advanced” tabs. Also, check that
the wireless switch (page 7) on the AIBO robot’s body is set to ON.
Windows XP operating system users must install Universal Plug and
Play in order to use the AIBO search function. For the installation
procedure, refer to page 9.
6 Click Finish to close the “AIBO WLAN Manager 2” dialog box.
You’ve completed this process! You can now communicate with your AIBO® Entertainment Robot wirelessly!
Making the AIBO robot inaccessible from other computers
To prevent other people from accessing your AIBO robot, you can apply security measures with AIBO WLAN Manager 2.
By setting a user ID and password here, every time your AIBO Photo Album and AIBO EYES feature pages are accessed from
a Web browser, a screen will appear to request your user ID and password.
1 Enter a user ID and password of 8 alphanumeric characters or less here.
If you are not going to apply security measures, leave this field blank.
2 Confirm your settings, and click this button.
3 Click this button, and close the AIBO WLAN Manager 2 dialog box.
The user ID and password set here will also be needed to configure the settings for AIBO Entertainment Player. For details, see
the “User’s Guide (AIBO Entertainment Player)” for the AIBO robot ERS-7 (PDF).
Viewing pictures with the AIBO Photo Album
Pictures taken by the AIBO® Entertainment Robot are stored
on its “Memory Stick™” media.
Pictures taken by the AIBO robot are classified in the AIBO
Photo Album as:
• Pictures taken by voice commands, AIBO card and AIBO
• Pictures and Sounds recorded during House Sitting mode
• Friendly faces
• Favorite things
• Favorite place
Here you will learn how to view pictures over a wireless
LAN. For instructions on using a “Memory Stick” media
reader/writer to view pictures stored on the AIBO MIND 2
software “Memory Stick” media, refer to page 49.
A list of pictures stored on the “Memory Stick” media
is displayed.
1 Start your PC’s Web browser, and access the
following address:
If you have set a user ID and password with AIBO WLAN
Manager 2, an input screen appears for your user ID and password.
AIBO robot IP address
Alternatively, you can double-click the AIBO robot
icon on the “AIBO Search” tab (page 14) of the “AIBO
WLAN Manager 2”.
For information on your AIBO robot’s IP address, refer to page 11.
The AIBO MIND 2 software top page is displayed.
• Pictures and sounds recorded during House
Sitting mode (Max. 15)
This displays the photos taken by the AIBO robot
while in House Sitting mode. You can also listen to
sounds the AIBO robot has recorded (page 19).
• Friendly faces (Max. 3)
This displays the photos registered by the AIBO
robot of its owner’s face.
• Favorite things (Max. 3)
This displays the photos registered by the AIBO
robot of its favorite things.
• Favorite place (Max. 1)
This displays the photo taken by the AIBO robot of
its favorite place.
Click on an image to display an enlarged version in a
separate window. Picture resolution is 416 × 320
* Please ensure that you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
or Netscape Navigator 7.
• To view the most recent picture, reload the web page.
• Set the Web browser cache appropriately.
− With Microsoft Internet Explorer 6:
* The images shown above are displayed in Web pages, so their
resolutions differ from that of the actual pictures taken by the
AIBO Entertainment Robot.
Click “Internet Options” in the “Tools” menu, open the
“General” tab in the window that appears, and click “Settings”
under “Temporary Internet files”. Next, change the “Check for
newer versions of the stored pages” setting to “Every visit to
the page”.
• Pictures taken by voice commands, AIBO card,
and AIBO MAIL (Max. 5)
− With Netscape Navigator 7:
This displays the photos taken by the AIBO robot
when told to “Take a picture”, shown the “Photo
(B)” card, or sent an AIBO MAIL from a PC or
mobile communication device.
Click “Preferences” in the “Edit” menu, and from the
categories that appear on the left side of the window click
“Advanced” and then “Cache”. Next, change the “Compare
the page in the cache to the page on the network” setting to
“Every time I view the page”.
• Enable JavaScript and pop-up windows in your Web browser’s
• Pictures are saved in JPEG format in the
“OPEN-R\APP\PC\PHOTO” folder on the “Memory Stick™”
Listening to sounds recorded by the AIBO
Entertainment Robot
Click “Sound” when it appears beneath a photo taken in
House Sitting mode to hear the recorded sound.
Various AIBO EYES functions
The AIBO® Entertainment Robot will take pictures and
enact and deliver messages based on e-mail commands you
Send the AIBO robot a message (page 36)
back to family or friends nearby.
You can also prerecord these messages.
Control the AIBO robot via the AIBO MAIL
function (page 29)
The AIBO robot will alert you when it receives
e-mail (page 39)
You can include commands for pictures and messages in an
e-mail, and send it to the e-mail address that the AIBO robot
The AIBO robot checks for e-mail periodically. Upon
receiving an e-mail, the AIBO robot will execute the
commands contained in the message.
Upon receiving e-mail, the AIBO robot’s wireless light will
Regardless of whether the AIBO robot is on the Energy
Station, it periodically checks for new e-mail, takes pictures
and delivers messages according to the e-mail commands,
and lets you know when a new message has arrived.
When the AIBO robot is not on the Energy Station, it will
take pictures from a laying-down position at the place where
it received the AIBO MAIL. Placing the AIBO robot on its
Energy Station is helpful when taking pictures of a fixed
point at regular intervals.
PC or mobile communication device* (page 30)
The AIBO robot can take pictures
“It’s Dad.”
on command, or at set intervals.
You can also define the picture
cues, and the angle of the AIBO
robot’s head.
Have the AIBO robot forward pictures taken in
House Sitting mode (page 39)
The AIBO robot will e-mail the
picture back to you*.
You can set the AIBO robot to take a picture and notify you
by e-mail when it detects movements, faces, and sounds in
House Sitting mode.
* JPEG e-mail viewing capability is
Communicate with your AIBO Entertainment
Protection of privacy
Robot without your PC
With the AIBO EYES feature, multiple users can
send photo command e-mail to the AIBO robot, and
view the pictures taken by it. To protect your privacy,
the AIBO robot has a Private mode.
The AIBO robot is always connected to the Internet via
wireless LAN (provided that your environment has a
continuous Internet connection). This means that the AIBO
robot can always send and receive e-mail, even if your PC is
turned OFF.
• User restrictions
The AIBO EYES feature is available to a
maximum of five preregistered users.
• User name notification
In Private mode: The AIBO robot uses a Voice
Signature (page 38) to announce the name of the
user that sent the photo or message commands.
Configuring e-mail
configure the e-mail address that the AIBO® Entertainment
Robot will check, and then setup the AIBO EYES feature
3 Double-click the particular AIBO robot whose
e-mail you wish to configure.
When using the AIBO EYES feature in Private mode (page
26), a maximum of five users can be registered to send/
receive e-mail with the AIBO robot.
This setup is performed via a Web browser.
1 If using the Windows XP operating system,
click “Start” t “All Programs” t “AIBO
WLAN Manager 2” t “AIBO WLAN
Manager 2”.
If using an operating system other than Windows XP,
click “Start” t “Programs” t “AIBO WLAN
Manager 2” t “AIBO WLAN Manager 2”.
WLAN Manager 2” dialog box appears.
The AIBO MIND 2 software top page appears.
2 On the “AIBO Search” tab, click “Search”.
An icon appears if the AIBO robot is in the same
network as the PC.
You can also display the AIBO MIND 2 software top page by starting
your Web browser, and access the following address:
AIBO robot IP address
For information on your AIBO robot’s IP address, refer to page 11.
4 Click “Mail Setup” under “AIBO EYES”.
The “Mail Setup” screen appears.
If you have set a user ID and password with AIBO WLAN
Manager 2, an input screen appears for your user ID and password.
5 Fill each setup field, and click the “Save” button.
Specifies the server the AIBO Entertainment Robot uses
to send and receive e-mail.
Refer to your e-mail software or check with your service
provider for details. (This field is mandatory.)
Enter the e-mail address that the AIBO robot will check.
(This field is mandatory.)
This is the account used when logging on to the mail
server. (This field is mandatory.)
Password for the above e-mail address. (This field is
You can set the desired interval for the AIBO robot to check
e-mail. (Range: 1-60 minutes) (This field is mandatory.)
Specifies whether AIBO EYES feature users are restricted
(Private mode) or unrestricted (Public mode). For more on
each of these modes, refer to the next page.
You can specify which user receives the picture when you
say, “Send e-mail” or when the AIBO robot sends an e-
mail in House Sitting mode. The user number (User 1 -
User 5) can be set from the “Private Mode Setup” screen
(page 28). Only one user can be specified. If you do not
want pictures to be sent by e-mail, select “Message is not
Specifies whether to send pictures with the PHOTO
command or PHOTOL command when you say, “Send e-
mail” or when the AIBO robot sends an e-mail in House
Sitting mode (see “Receiving pictures as e-mail
attachments with the [PHOTO command] [PHOTOL
command]”, page 31).
Click this button when finished with the e-mail setup.
zPrivate mode
The AIBO EYES feature can be set to limit access only to registered users (maximum of five).
Those who wish to enjoy the AIBO EYES feature of photo commands and picture viewing, but want to limit
access to family and close friends, should select this mode.
In addition to user limits, the Private mode includes a Voice Signature function;
before taking a picture or playing a message, the AIBO® Entertainment Robot will
“It’s Dad.”
identify the user who sent the command.
You can also record a unique Voice Signature for each user (page 38).
When the AIBO robot receives e-mail from an unregistered user, it will send an
error notification e-mail to the address that the AIBO robot checks to retrieve e-
mail (page 50).
zPublic mode
The AIBO EYES feature does not restrict usage to the five registered users in this mode. This is convenient when
using the AIBO robot in public spaces, as it enables multiple users have the AIBO robot take various pictures. In
Public mode, the Voice Signature function is not available.
Once you click the “Save” button, the AIBO® Entertainment Robot will check for new
Wireless light
After a moment, the wireless light will turn ON to indicate the transmission status
between the AIBO robot and the e-mail server.
If the e-mail check is completed successfully:
b The wireless light will turn blue.
If there is new e-mail:
b The wireless light will flash blue.
If attempts to connect to the mail server failed, the wireless light will turn OFF.
If the wireless light turns OFF:
Click “Connection Check” in the “Mail Setup” screen, and check the current connection
If you are using AIBO EYES feature in Private mode, click on the “Private Mode Setup”.
The “Private Mode Setup” screen appears.
7 Fill each Private mode setup field, and click the “Save” button.
When using the Private mode, you can register up to five users.
The e-mail address of the user.
In Private mode, the AIBO Entertainment Robot will
vocally identify the person who sent the command
before taking a picture or giving the message (Voice
Signature function). The Voice Signature can be either
the default voice or one recorded by the user.
To use a voice recorded by the user, select from “User
recording 1” through “User recording 5”. To perform the
user recording, refer to page 38.
When making the AIBO robot take pictures
periodically, you can set the desired interval. The
AIBO robot will then e-mail the picture to the user.
Leave the default settings (0 hours/0 minutes) if you
don’t want the AIBO robot to perform this periodical
picture-taking function. You can also command the
AIBO robot to perform this task via the AIBO MAIL
function WATCH command (page 33).
The AIBO robot will automatically take the first picture
after the desired interval, once you have saved these
Set the head angles (page 31) that pictures are taken
You can specify picture-taking at regular intervals
through the AIBO MAIL function using the WATCH
command (page 33).
Click this button when finished with the
Private mode setup.
This completes the setup procedure.
Let’s try sending the AIBO® Entertainment Robot an e-mail with commands to take a picture or leave a message.
The AIBO robot will take pictures, play back delivered messages, leave messages, and announce new e-mail according to your
e-mail commands.
E-mail that contains commands for the AIBO robot to follow (e.g. take pictures or messages) is called an AIBO MAIL.
AIBO MAIL must be written according to specific rules:
• All characters must be alphanumeric. The AIBO MAIL is not case sensitive.
• Use plain text (no encoding, no HTML) when composing AIBO MAIL.
• A single e-mail must be less than 10 KB (10,000 alphanumeric characters in total, including the header).
To: (e-mail address)
The AIBO robot will periodically check the e-mail server. When AIBO MAIL is received at the designated
e-mail that address that the AIBO robot checks, it will execute the commands contained within.
Subject: AIBO MAIL
(body text)
Always enter “AIBO MAIL” as the subject text. (Insert one space between “AIBO” and “MAIL”. Do not
include a space after “AIBO MAIL”.)
PHOTO C1 0 10 (command to AIBO)
A single message can contain up to 10 commands. When entering multiple commands, insert a
carriage return between each command.
Details for each command are described on page 46.
The AIBO robot will process AIBO MAIL correctly, even if there is trailing text, such as a signature, at
the end of the AIBO MAIL.
Checking for e-mail
• With the AIBO EYES feature, the AIBO robot can check up to 199 messages on the e-mail server. Please manage your
e-mail on the server, so that the number of messages does not exceed 199.
• The AIBO robot will not perform AIBO MAIL commands if that e-mail has already been opened and deleted from the
server) via a PC or mobile communication device.*
* JPEG e-mail viewing capability is required.
Viewing pictures taken by the AIBO Entertainment Robot
on your PC or mobile communication device*
You can send picture commands with the AIBO MAIL
function from your PC or mobile communication device*.
About the pictures that the AIBO robot sends
• The pictures are e-mailed as JPEG files, and
The AIBO robot will perform the command written in the
simultaneously stored on the AIBO MIND 2 software
e-mail, take the picture, and send it back to you.
“Memory Stick” media.
• Picture resolution is 208 × 160 pixels (standard
You can view pictures that the AIBO robot took using a Web
browser (refer to page 17).
resolution) or 416 × 320 pixels (high resolution).
Depending on lighting conditions at the time the picture
is taken, flicker (horizontal stripes) or reddish or bluish
bands may appear in pictures.
Voice Signature function
In Private mode, the AIBO robot will play the Voice
Signature of the user who is sending the command (e.g. “It’s
Dad”), before taking the picture.
instructions for recording custom Voice Signatures.
• Fast movements may result in distortion of the picture
the AIBO robot takes.
The AIBO robot’s posture when
taking pictures
• If the number of pictures on the “Memory Stick™” media
exceeds the total available, each time you take a new picture the
oldest picture will be deleted.
• Sony is not responsible for any rights-infringement disputes and
other issues that may arise between you and another person or
entity, resulting from pictures taken with the AIBO robot. Do not
take any pictures that may infringe on another person’s or
entity’s rights.
The AIBO robot can take pictures in both Station mode and
Autonomous mode.
Station mode
Autonomous mode
* JPEG e-mail viewing capability is required.
Since the AIBO robot can
remain in a fixed position, it
can periodically take pictures
of a certain point at specified
The AIBO robot will take
pictures from a lying-down
position from where it is
when it receives the AIBO
MAIL command.
The AIBO® Entertainment Robot’s head angle
(angle of the AIBO robot’s color camera)
For instructions on viewing the pictures taken by the AIBO robot
with your Web browser, refer to page 17.
You can use commands in the AIBO MAIL to set the vertical
and horizontal positioning of the AIBO robot’s head (color
camera) when having it take a picture.
Receiving pictures as e-mail attachments
with the [PHOTO command] [PHOTOL
Angle on the
AIBO robot’s right
Color camera
The AIBO robot will e-mail back the picture it took as a
JPEG attachment.
Angle on the
AIBO robot’s
left side
Wireless LAN
access point
You cannot change the AIBO robot’s head angle when using
a voice command to take a picture. The AIBO robot will
look straight ahead and take the picture.
Sends back the
picture as an
e-mail JPEG
Taking pictures on command
E-mail server
You can tell the AIBO robot to take a picture using the AIBO
MAIL command. Upon receiving this e-mail, the AIBO
robot will take a single picture.
* PHOTO: Sends a picture in standard resolution (208 × 160
PHOTOL: Sends a picture in high resolution (416 × 320 pixels).
The AIBO robot will check the e-mail server for e-mail at the
desired interval that you initially set (page 25). When it
acknowledges receipt of an AIBO MAIL with a photo command, it
will take a picture.
The command that you use in your AIBO MAIL body text
for the AIBO robot to take a picture and e-mail it back as a
JPEG attachment is: PHOTO, PHOTOL*.
* Because of the large size of images taken with PHOTOL, it is
best used when sending images from a computer.
Writing commands
PHOTO [cue [h_angle v_angle] ]
Camera angle selection is optional. You can select the horizontal and
vertical angle of the color camera, and include it in the command
[h_angle v_angle]. Otherwise, default settings will be used. The cue
command is also optional, but it must be specified when using “h_angle”
and “v_angle”.
You can choose
picture cues (“Smile”,
etc.). Refer to
Command body text example:
<Default setting, no camera angle>
list” (page 46), and
enter the command.
(If you omit this, the
default command C1:
Countdown will be
“PHOTO” (same as “PHOTO C1 0 0”)
<Default setting, cue selected, no camera angle>
“PHOTO C4” (same as “PHOTO C4 0 0”)
Select the vertical angle of the color camera between -15° (down) and
20° (up). (The default is 0°.)
Select the horizontal angle of the color camera between -90° (the
AIBO Entertainment Robot’s right) and 90° (the AIBO robot’s left). (The
default is 0°.)
AIBO MAIL example of a PHOTO command
All characters must be alphanumeric. AIBO MAIL is not case sensitive.
Always enter “AIBO MAIL” as the subject text. (Insert one space between “AIBO” and “MAIL”. Do
not include a space after “AIBO MAIL”.)
To:(e-mail address)
Subject: AIBO MAIL
PHOTO C2 0 10
Picture returned as JPEG attachment, “We will take a picture”, facing straight ahead, head
raised 10°.
After the command, insert one space between each parameter.
For PHOTOL, write “PHOTOL” in place of “PHOTO” as the command.
Directly commanding the AIBO Entertainment
Robot to take a picture – by voice command or
by showing the appropriate AIBO card
The AIBO robot will send the picture to the registered
user specified in the “Sending pictures by Voice
Command and in House Sitting Mode” (page 25) field
of the “Mail Setup” screen.
You can have the AIBO robot take a picture by giving it a voice
command or showing it the appropriate AIBO card.
For example, you can have the AIBO robot take a picture of
your child and send it to your mother’s PC or mobile
communication device.*
Regardless of the method used to initiate the photo
command (whether it is AIBO MAIL or voice
command), the last picture taken by the AIBO robot
will be sent to the registered user specified in “Mail
* JPEG e-mail viewing capability is required.
1 Say “Take a picture” to the AIBO robot.
Or, show the AIBO robot the “Photo (B)” card.
Taking periodic pictures at a set
interval with the [WATCH
2 Touch the head sensor.
Or say, “Snap Shot”.
The AIBO robot starts to count down and takes a
picture when the shutter clicks.
The AIBO robot can take periodic pictures at a specified
interval, and e-mail them back as JPEG attachments.
Set the interval in 10-minute increments, starting at a
minimum of 10 minutes. (Minute units will be rounded up to
the nearest 10th. For example, 15 minutes will be rounded
up to 20 minutes.) The maximum you can set is 50 minutes.
You cannot specify the AIBO robot’s head angle when
using a voice command to take a picture.
If the AIBO robot is in the middle of checking the e-mail server or
is in motion, there may be a slight delay in the timing of the
scheduled picture taking.
Periodic picture commands can be given through either the
user settings (configured with your Web browser; see page
28), or included in the AIBO MAIL command.
Writing commands
Camera angle selection is optional. You can select the horizontal and
vertical angle of the color camera, and include it in the command [h_angle
v_angle]. Otherwise, default settings will be used. The cue command is
also optional, but it must be specified when using “h_angle” and “v_angle”.
Command body text example:
WATCH hour min [cue [h_angle v_angle] ]
<Default setting, no camera angle>
“WATCH 1 0” (same as “WATCH 1 0 C1 0 0”)
<Default setting, cue selected, no camera angle>
“WATCH 2 30 C4” (same as “WATCH 2 30 C4 0 0”)
Select the vertical angle of the color camera between -15° (down) and 20°
(up). (The default is 0°.)
Select the horizontal angle of the color camera between -90° (the AIBO
Entertainment Robot’s right) and 90° (the AIBO robot’s left). (The default is
You can choose picture cues (“Smile”, etc.). Refer to “Command parameter
list” (page 46), and enter the command. (If you omit this, the default
command C1: Countdown will automatically be selected.)
Specify the picture interval in 10-minute increments (0-50). Minute units
will be rounded up to the nearest 10th.
Specify the picture interval in 1-hour increments (0-23).
AIBO MAIL example of a WATCH command
All characters must be alphanumeric. AIBO MAIL is not case sensitive.
Always enter “AIBO MAIL” as the subject text. (Insert one space between “AIBO” and “MAIL”. Do
not include a space after “AIBO MAIL”.)
To:(e-mail address)
Subject: AIBO MAIL
WATCH 1 0 C3 0 0
The AIBO Entertainment Robot will be set as follows:
Periodic picture mail, 1-hour intervals, “Strike a pose”, facing straight ahead.
After each command, insert one space between each parameter.
Canceling the periodic pictures taking function
Send the AIBO® Entertainment Robot a WATCH command
with the interval set to: [hour: 0] [min: 0].
Turning House Sitting Mode ON
and OFF with the [HSMODE
(See page 33 for how to write a WATCH command.)
Always enter “AIBO MAIL” as
the subject text. (Insert one
space between “AIBO” and
“MAIL”. Do not include a
To:(e-mail address)
When the AIBO robot is on the Energy Station, you can have
it enter or exit House Sitting mode by sending it an AIBO
MAIL command. If the AIBO robot is not on the Energy
Station it will not carry out instructions from an AIBO
MAIL command.
Subject: AIBO MAIL
space after “AIBO MAIL”.)
Input the AIBO MAIL command as follows:
Viewing pictures stored on the
AIBO MIND 2 software “Memory
Stick™” media
To:(e-mail address)
Always enter “AIBO MAIL” as
Subject: AIBO MAIL
the subject text. Insert one
space between “AIBO” and
“MAIL”. Do not include a
space after “AIBO MAIL”.)
Pictures taken by the AIBO robot are stored on the AIBO
MIND 2 software “Memory Stick” media.
You can view these pictures using either of the following
To turn ON House Sitting
mode, write “HSMODE ON”
in the body of the message.
To turn it OFF, write
• View them with a Web browser (AIBO Photo Album)
b page 17
• Use a “Memory Stick” media reader/writer to view the
b page 49
Sending the AIBO Entertainment Robot a message or song
Using e-mail from your PC or mobile communication
device*, you can send the AIBO robot messages or songs to
play back or perform.
Having the recipient play back the
AIBO robot’s message and/or song
[MSG command].
* JPEG e-mail viewing capability is required.
This command can be used when the recipient is not near the
You can select from previously recorded messages or record
your unique messages for the AIBO robot to play.
You can record up to five unique personal messages and save
them as files. You can then command the AIBO robot to play
these back by selecting the particular file and including it in
your AIBO MAIL command body text.
AIBO robot.
You can send up to 100 messages and songs to the AIBO robot.
When unplayed messages exceed 100, an error e-mail is sent to the
AIBO MAIL (message command) sender (page 50).
For recording instructions, refer to page 38.
z Message sender
You can choose from two different AIBO MAIL commands
to play messages or songs:
Specify a message or song to be sent by AIBO MAIL
• Have the AIBO robot play back the message or song upon
the recipient’s request at a later time.
• Have the AIBO robot play back the message immediately.
Writing commands
Specify the message or song you wish
the AIBO robot to play. Refer to
MSG msg
“Command parameter list” (page 46)
and enter the code for either the SONG
or WORD (message) commands.
AIBO MAIL example of a MSG command
z When the AIBO robot has receives a message
Always enter “AIBO MAIL”
as the subject text.
(Insert one space between
“AIBO” and “MAIL”. Do not
include a space after “AIBO
Say “Check messages” to the AIBO robot.
If there is a message, the AIBO robot will play it back.
To:(e-mail address)
Subject: AIBO MAIL
Replaying a message Touch the middle back sensor on
the AIBO robot*.
Sends message command
for the AIBO Entertainment
Playing the next
Touch the front back sensor on
the AIBO robot*.
Robot to play WEDDING
(The last message
will be erased.)
After the command, insert
one space between each
Canceling playback
Touch the rear back sensor on
the AIBO robot.
* If you don’t touch the AIBO robot’s back sensors within 10
seconds after the previous message is played, message playback
will be cancelled.
Immediately* after receiving the AIBO MAIL, the AIBO
robot will play the message.
Having the AIBO Entertainment
Robot play back the message or
song immediately [PLAY command]
* Depending on the AIBO robot’s condition, the message might
not play, or its playback might be delayed.
This command can be used when the message recipient is
near the AIBO robot.
Specify a message or song and send it to the AIBO robot
using the AIBO MAIL function.
Recording unique messages/
recording Voice Signatures
You can prerecord both messages for the AIBO robot to
deliver, and Voice Signatures (page 28) to identify people
that leave messages or tell the AIBO robot to take pictures.
Writing commands
PLAY msg
Specify the message or song you wish
the AIBO robot to play. Refer to
“Command parameter list” (page 46)
and enter the code for either the SONG
or WORD (message).
1 Simultaneously touch the front and rear back
sensors for 3 seconds.
The voice guide begins.
Follow the AIBO robot’s voice guide to record your
AIBO MAIL example of a PLAY command
Always enter “AIBO MAIL”
as the subject text. (Insert
one space between the
“AIBO” and “MAIL”. Do not
2 Next, follow the AIBO robot’s voice guide to
record the message.
include a space after the
To:(e-mail address)
Subject: AIBO MAIL
Send the message “I’m
going to leave now”, and
have the AIBO robot play it
back immediately.
After the command, insert
one space between each
The AIBO Entertainment Robot will notify you of new e-mail
• When e-mail check is successfully completed and there is new
e-mail, the wireless light will flash blue.
• When attempts to connect to the e-mail server fail, the wireless
light will turn OFF.
If a new e-mail arrives at the e-mail address that the AIBO
robot checks, its wireless light will flash blue and notify you
of this arrival. (Your PC does not need to be activated for this
notification feature to work.) This notification is only for
regular e-mail and not for AIBO MAIL arrivals.
Having the AIBO robot forward pictures taken
in House Sitting mode
The AIBO robot will
periodically check for
e-mail at the intervals
you selected in the “E-
mail check interval” in
the “Mail Setup”
Wireless light
flashing blue
In House Sitting mode, the AIBO robot takes a picture and
notifies you by e-mail when it detects movements, faces, and
sounds. The AIBO robot attaches the pictures it takes to the
e-mail notification, but recorded sounds cannot be attached
and sent.
“You have
new mail.”
screen (page 25)
section for e-mail
setup. When you tell
the AIBO robot
“Check e-mail”, the
To have the AIBO robot attach and forward by e-mail the
pictures it takes in House Sitting mode, turn the e-mail
forwarding function “ON” in the Settings for House Sitting
mode on the AIBO robot, and specify a destination e-mail
address under “Sending pictures by Voice Command and in
House Sitting Mode” on the “Mail Setup” screen (page 25).
For details on the AIBO robot’s House Sitting mode, refer to
the “User’s Guide (Basic)” for the AIBO robot ERS-7.
AIBO robot will announce the results and let you know by
• “You have new mail.” (1-9 messages*)
• “Wow! You’ve got lots of mail.” (More than 9 messages*)
• “You don’t have any new mail.”
If an object in front of the AIBO robot is continuously moving or
making sounds, the AIBO robot will repeatedly send you pictures
of it, resulting in an extremely large volume of e-mail arriving in
your inbox. Because phone charges may become a burden in this
situation, please be careful when specifying a mobile phone e-mail
address as the destination address.
* AIBO MAIL is not included in this count.
You can confirm the AIBO robot’s e-mail server connection by
observing its wireless light:
• When the e-mail check is successfully completed, the wireless
light will turn blue.
Notes on use
To protect the data stored on the AIBO MIND 2 software
“Memory Stick™” media, note the following:
• The AIBO MIND 2 software “Memory Stick” media is
designed exclusively for use with the AIBO®
Entertainment Robot ERS-7. It is not compatible with any
other AIBO robot models.
• Do not use the AIBO MIND 2 software “Memory Stick”
media to save data from PCs or camcorders, or for any
other purpose than using the AIBO Entertainment Robot
ERS-7. Doing so may result in damage to the AIBO robot.
• Only Sony brand “Memory Stick” media reader/writers
are guaranteed to operate correctly.
Do not use or store the “Memory Stick” media in places
subject to:
− Excessively high temperatures, such as in a car
parked in the sun.
− Direct sunlight.
− High humidity or corrosive gas.
• When carrying or storing the “Memory Stick” media,
keep it in the supplied case.
• The contents of the AIBO MIND 2 software “Memory
Stick” media cannot be copied to another “Memory Stick”
media. Doing so contravenes with the clauses of the
End-User License Agreement and may void your
authority to use this product.
• Do not touch terminal A with your
bare hands or metal objects.
• Sony® assumes no responsibility for any malfunctions
that may occur as a result of using the AIBO
Entertainment Robot ERS-7 in a way not specified in this
manual and will void the product’s limited warranty or
any extended warranty.
If the “Memory Stick” is used in a
location subject to static electricity or
electric noise, data may be lost or
Do not affix anything other than the
“Memory Stick” media label on the
• The specifications of the AIBO MIND 2 software are
subject to change without notice.
areas indicated by
already been attached to the AIBO
MIND 2 software “Memory Stick”
media at the factory.
Do not bend, drop, or apply strong shock to the “Memory
Stick” media.
Do not attempt to disassemble or modify the “Memory Stick”
B. A sticker has
• Do not set the safety switch of the
“Memory Stick” media to “LOCK”.
Doing so will make it impossible for
the AIBO robot to store pictures.
• If the safety switch on the “Memory
Stick” media is set to “LOCK”, the
AIBO robot’s face lights will turn red
To remove the “Memory Stick” media from the AIBO robot
while it is still operating, first press the pause button to stop
the AIBO robot’s movements and refer to the “User’s Guide
(Basic)” for the AIBO Entertainment Robot ERS-7.
Keep the “Memory Stick” media away from water and other
to warn you while the AIBO robot is
starting. Press the pause button once more to place the AIBO
robot in Pause mode, and then unlock the safety switch on the
“Memory Stick” media. When the AIBO robot starts normally,
the face lights turn white.
If you experience any difficulties, use this troubleshooting guide to check for the possible causes of the problem before
contacting the AIBO Customer Link (for customer support). You can also refer to the “Troubleshooting” section in the “User’s
Guide (Basic)” for the AIBO robot ERS-7. Should the problem persist, contact the AIBO Customer Link (for customer
support). (See the last page of this guide for details about the AIBO Customer Link (for customer support).)
I can’t connect to the AIBO Entertainment
Robot from my PC.
• Network settings are incorrect.
c Check your network settings (page 8).
The AIBO WLAN Manager 2 cannot find
the AIBO robot.
• Under the Windows XP operating system, Universal Plug and Play is not installed.
c Install Universal Plug and Play (page 9).
• If you have installed Universal Plug and Play under he Windows Me operating
system, you will need to use Windows Update to update your Windows Me operating
system to the latest version.
c Click “Start” t “Windows Update”, and follow the on-screen instructions to
update Windows Me.
Data transmission is slow.
• The AIBO robot is conflicting with an access point or another wireless LAN device.
c Try changing the wireless channel on the access point.
• Many devices may be accessing the same access point at once.
c Try waiting a while before attempting to access again.
• The AIBO robot or wireless LAN PC is too far away from the access point.
c The signal range can vary according to the installation location and the
surrounding environment.
Relocate the AIBO robot and the wireless LAN-ready PC closer to the access
The AIBO robot can’t connect to the e-mail
server, and the wireless light is not lit.
• Make sure “E-mail Information” is properly set in the “Mail Setup” screen (page
• Make sure your network is configured correctly.
“Send e-mail”, the AIBO robot says “I’ve
finished sending the e-mail”, but the e-mail
fails to reach the recipient.
• The recipient’s e-mail address setting may be incorrect.
c Make sure the recipient’s e-mail address is set correctly in the “Mail Setup”
screen (page 25). In the “Sending pictures by Voice Command and in House
Sitting Mode” section, make sure the “E-mail address” is not set to another user
or to “Message is not sent”.
The AIBO robot isn’t notifying you of the
arrival of new e-mail.
• The e-mail check interval may be too long.
c In the “Mail Setup” screen (page 25), try setting the “E-mail check interval”
under “E-mail Information” to a shorter length.
• The number of messages on the mail server may have exceeded 199.
c With the AIBO EYES feature, up to 199 messages can be checked on the server
by the AIBO robot. Please manage your e-mail on the server so that the number
of e-mail does not exceed 199.
c If the AIBO MAIL is read from a PC (and left on the server) before AIBO has
checked for that e-mail, then AIBO will not execute the commands contained in
that e-mail.
The sound is interrupted while the AIBO
robot is playing a message or song.
• If the network is overloaded, the audio may be interrupted.
zWords that the AIBO Entertainment Robot can understand
(AIBO EYES feature)
zCommand parameter list (for AIBO MAIL commands)
zAIBO Entertainment Robot ERS-7 light
zViewing pictures taken by the AIBO Entertainment Robot
with a “Memory Stick™” media reader/writer
zError e-mail examples
zEditing “WLANCONF.TXT” manually
zAIBO Entertainment Robot network settings
Words that the AIBO Entertainment Robot can understand
(AIBO EYES feature)
Below are some words (voice commands) that the AIBO
robot can understand when using the AIBO EYES feature.
For a complete list of words that AIBO can understand in
Autonomous mode, and other various situations, refer to the
“User’s Guide (Basic)” for the AIBO robot ERS-7.
z Pictures
Send e-mail.
The AIBO robot sends the most recent picture to the specified user
(page 33).
In the following cases, the AIBO robot may not understand
what you say.
• While the AIBO robot is emitting sounds or is in motion,
it may not be able to hear you easily.
z Message playback
Check messages.
• The AIBO robot may not recognize several words
depending on its mode or condition.
The AIBO robot plays a message or a song (page 37).
• The AIBO robot may not hear you if its surroundings are
noisy. Try to speak to the AIBO robot in a quiet
• When the pronunciation of a word is unclear. Try to
pronounce each word clearly.
z Mail notification
Check e-mail.
last time it checked.
z Pictures
Take a picture.
The AIBO robot can take a picture with its color camera.
(page 33).
Check e-mail
Snap Shot.
If you speak to the AIBO robot while it is preparing to take a
picture (while waiting for you to touch its head sensor), it will
start counting down to take the picture (page 33).
Command parameter list (for AIBO MAIL commands)
The following is a list of codes that can be used as command
parameters for the AIBO MAIL function.
• All codes must be entered in plain text. Codes are not case
command parameters
Cue (when taking pictures)
• Include “Code” values from these tables in your AIBO
MAIL. For SONGS and WORDS, you can choose from
either “Code 1” or “Code 2” values and the results will be
the same.
Countdown (default setting)
We will now take a picture
Strike a pose
Show me some teeth!
Show me your pearly whites!
MSG, PLAY command parameters
Code 1
Code 2
Call me
Thank you
I’m sorry
Code 1
Code 2
Hang in there
It’s time now, get a move on
Ha, ha, ha
default *1
default *1
default *1
default *1
default *1
default *1
It’s AIBO! *3
It’s AIBO! *3
It’s AIBO! *3
It’s AIBO! *3
It’s AIBO! *3
It’s AIBO! *3
It’s AIBO! *3
It’s AIBO! *3
It’s AIBO! *3
It’s AIBO! *3
It’s AIBO! *3
It’s AIBO! *3
The contents of values S5-S10 can be provided via AIBO Custom
Manager 2 (supplied separately). AIBO Custom Manager 2 is software
that runs on a computer. For the latest information about AIBO Custom
Manager 2 and available contents, visit our Web site at
with S5-S10 set to “Wedding March”.
WORD (voice message)
W1-W5 are recording files. For recording instructions, refer to
page 38.
Code 1
Code 2
Recording 1 *2
The contents of values W16-W27 can be provided via AIBO
Custom Manager 2 (supplied separately). AIBO Custom
Manager 2 is software that runs on a computer. For the latest
information about AIBO Custom Manager 2 and available
robot is shipped with W16-W27 set to “It’s AIBO!”.
Recording 2 *2
Recording 3 *2
Recording 4 *2
Recording 5 *2
I’m going to leave now
I can’t leave yet
I’ll be late
Viewing pictures taken by the AIBO® Entertainment Robot
with a “Memory Stick™” media reader/writer
Remove the “Memory Stick” media from the
AIBO robot.
4 Remove the “Memory Stick” media from your
For instructions on removing the “Memory Stick”
media, refer to the “User’s Guide (Basic)” for the
AIBO robot ERS-7.
For details on removing the “Memory Stick” media,
refer to the user documentation included with your PC
2 Insert the “Memory Stick” media into the
“Memory Stick” media reader/writer.
For details, consult the user manual included with your
“Memory Stick” media reader/writer.
3 Click “INDEX.HTM” in the “OPEN-R” folder
on the “Memory Stick” media.
The AIBO PHOTO ALBUM screen appears (page 17).
Error e-mail examples
If the following problems occur while using the AIBO
EYES feature, the AIBO® Entertainment Robot will send an
error notification e-mail to either the AIBO MAIL sender or
the e-mail address it is set to check periodically.
z When the number of (unplayed) messages left
with the AIBO robot exceeds 100
You can send up to 100 messages and songs to the AIBO
robot. Wait for the AIBO robot to play the messages it is
holding, and then resend the AIBO MAIL (MSG
z When there is a syntax error in the AIBO MAIL
To:(AIBO MAIL sender)
Notice that the number
Subject: Re:AIBO MAIL
To:(AIBO MAIL sender)
Subject: Re:AIBO MAIL
of messages has
Notice of a syntax error
exceeded 100
(body text)
(body text)
Copy of the MSG
command that could not
be received
Copy of the line with the
(In this case, “PLAY
W.LEAVING” is correct.)
z When the AIBO robot receives AIBO MAIL from
someone other than a registered user (Private
mode only)
z When the AIBO robot cannot execute a
command because it is being picked up or
To:(e-mail address)
(body text)
Notice of AIBO MAIL
received from an
unregistered user
To:(AIBO MAIL sender)
Subject: Re:AIBO MAIL
Notice of failure to
execute a command
Address of unregistered
user that sent the AIBO
From:(unknown user address)
(body text)
>PHOTO C4 0 0
Copy of the line that
failed to be executed
z When the head angle cannot be maintained
When the head angle cannot be maintained and the
AIBO® Entertainment Robot’s head falls forward, an
error notification is sent, and the AIBO robot is
deactivated. Make sure the Energy Station is placed on a
level surface, and that there is nothing wrong with the
AIBO robot’s neck joint section.
To:(e-mail address)
(body text)
Notice that head angle
cannot be maintained
z When the POP server does not support the
UIDL command
AIBO EYES feature cannot be used with a POP server
that does not support the UIDL command. If you receive
the error notification e-mail below, check with your
Internet service provider to see whether your POP server
supports the UIDL command.
To:(e-mail address)
(body text)
Notice that UIDL is not
Editing “WLANCONF.TXT” manually
Users of Windows® 98, Mac OS®, and other operating
3 Edit the copy of “WLANCONF.TXT” with a
systems that do not support the “AIBO WLAN Manager 2”
contents of “WLANCONF.TXT” to configure the network.
Users of the Windows 98 SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000,
and Windows XP (Home Edition or Professional) operating
systems can use the “AIBO WLAN Manager 2” (page 10).
text editor.
The contents to edit will depend on whether your
network setup uses a DHCP server* or not.
The DHCP server allows an IP address to be
automatically allocated to a device on the network.
* For details on DHCP server functionality, refer to the instruction
manuals included with your modem or access point.
1 Insert the AIBO MIND 2 software “Memory
Stick™” media into the “Memory Stick” media
When security measures are set
Use a text editor to create a file called “OWNER.TXT” and
place it in \OPEN-R\APP\DATA\P (page 57).
2 Copy the wireless LAN configuration file
“WLANCONF.TXT” from the sample folder
into its parent folder.
Use the following procedure to confirm whether or not you are using a DHCP server
in your network environment
(This procedure is for the Windows® 98 SE operating system only. If using another operating system, consult its
1 Click “Start” t “Settings” t “Control Panel”.
2 Double-click “Network”.
3 Click “TCP/IP” t “Network Card Name”, and click the “Properties” button.
If “TCP/IP” t “Network Card Name” is not shown, click the “Add” button. In the “Select Network Component
Type” window that appears, click “Protocol”, and click the “Add” button. Add the TCP/IP protocol.
4 Click the “IP Address” tab, and check the settings.
If “Obtain an IP address automatically” is selected
You are using a DHCP server.
Proceed to page 54.
If “Specify and IP address” is selected
You are not using a DHCP server.
Proceed to page 55.
c In this case, use the following steps to manually assign an IP address to the AIBO® Entertainment Robot.
Make a note of your PC’s IP address displayed under “Use the following IP address”. Choose an IP
address for the AIBO robot that does not conflict with this.
E.g. Your PC’s IP address:
The AIBO robot’s IP address:, etc. (anything other than
When using a DHCP server in your network environment
characters. Only alphanumeric characters and symbols are allowed.)
Specify the passkey used by the wireless LAN access point (page 56).
# IP network
# If DHCP is not used (USE_DHCP=0), you need to specify the
# network configuration using IP addresses.
Lines that begin with # are
interpreted as comments and are
not executed.
For details about each parameter, refer to “WLANCONF.TXT parameter list” (page 56).
When not using a DHCP server in your network environment
characters. Only alphanumeric characters and symbols are allowed.)
Specify the passkey used by the wireless LAN access point (page 56).
# IP network
Insert # at the beginning of this line.
Delete # from the beginning of this line.
# If DHCP is not used (USE_DHCP=0), you need to specify the
# network configuration using IP addresses.
Set the AIBO Entertainment Robot’s IP
Set the AIBO robot’s subnet mask address.
Enter the IP address of the device that is acting
as a router.
Lines that begin with # are
interpreted as comments and are
not executed.
* For information on the AIBO robot’s IP
address, refer to page 11.
For details about each parameter, refer to “WLANCONF.TXT parameter list” (page 56).
WLANCONF.TXT parameter list
This list explains each parameter in the wireless LAN configuration file.
Defines the name the AIBO Entertainment Robot uses on the wireless network. This name can be up to
8 alphanumeric characters and must contain at least one letter.
The name of the wireless network. Up to 32 alphanumeric characters and symbols are allowed.
Sets whether to use WEP (wireless encryption system). Set this value to 0 if disabled, and 1 if enabled.
Sets the WEP key (wireless passkey). Alphanumeric passkeys must be 5 or 13 characters. Hexadecimal
passkeys must be 10 or 26 characters (0-9, A-F, a-f). (Supports WEP64 (40 bit) and WEP128 (104 bit)
If using WEP64, use 5 alphanumeric characters, or “0x” followed by 10 hexadecimal characters.
If using WEP128, use 13 alphanumeric characters, or “0x” followed by 26 hexadecimal characters.
Example: For WEP64 (40 bit)
Hexadecimal: WEPKEY=0x4149424f32
Sets the wireless LAN mode for the AIBO robot. For AIBO EYES feature, set this value to 1 (connect in
Infrastructure mode).
Set the AIBO robot’s IP address.
This parameter must be specified when the USE_DHCP value is set to 0.
Sets the IP subnet mask.
This parameter must be specified when the USE_DHCP value is set to 0.
Sets the gateway IP address. If a gateway is not present on the network, set this value to be the same as
the ETHER_IP address.
This parameter must be specified when the USE_DHCP value is set to 0.
Sets the DNS server IP address.
This parameter must be specified when the USE_DHCP value is set to 0.
Defines whether to use DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) to automatically assign the AIBO
robot an IP address. Set this value to 0 if disabled, and 1 if enabled.
Defines whether to use SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol). In the “AIBO WLAN Manager 2”,
when you click the “Search” button on the “AIBO Search” tab, the AIBO Entertainment Robot will
show up as an icon. (If using the Windows XP operating system, Universal Plug and Play must be
You can access the AIBO MIND 2 software top page simply by double-clicking the AIBO icon.
To use SSDP, launch the “AIBO WLAN Manager 2”, and configure the network in the “Basic” tab, or
select the “Enable SSDP” check box in the “Details” tab. If manually editing the WLANCONF.TXT file,
set the value to 0 if not using SSDP, and set it to 1 if using SSDP.
When security measures are set
The following parameters appear in the “OWNER.TXT” file, located in \OPEN-R\APP\DATA\P.
(This example assumes a user ID and password of “AIBO”.)
Parameters in “OWNER.TXT”
Specifies the user ID.
Specifies the user password.
AIBO® Entertainment Robot network settings
This list describes the configuration values for the AIBO
robot’s internal wireless LAN function. Once the AIBO robot
has communicated with the network devices, you can change
these settings to suit your environment. For information on each
parameter, refer to “Glossary” (page 59).
The name for the AIBO robot used
over the wireless relay. Up to 8
alphanumeric characters are allowed.
IP Address
Subnet Mask
IP Gateway
IP address
Subnet mask value
Gateway address
Name of the wireless network. Up to
32 alphanumeric characters and
symbols are allowed.
WEP key
Keys used to encrypt wireless data
must be 5 or 13 alphanumeric
characters. Hexadecimal passkeys
must be 10 or 26 characters (0-9, A-F,
a-f). Ignore this setting if not using
Operation mode
Infrastructure mode
Access point
Infrastructure mode
A network device that contains both a wireless
communication interface and an Ethernet interface, an
access point acts as a bridge between wireless LAN and
wired LAN.
To use an access point for wireless communication, you must
specify an identifier called an SSID, a wireless
communication channel, and a WEP key.
Also called Access Point mode.
Communication mode used between an access point and a
device with a wireless LAN card.
The wireless channel follows the channel defined by the
access point. On the AIBO robot side, it is necessary to
configure the SSID and WEP key to match the access point’s
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
IP address
When building a TCP/IP network, IP addresses must be
In a TCP/IP network, numbers used to distinguish devices
are called IP addresses. An IP address consists of 4 numbers
If a DHCP server is present on the network, then it can be
used to automatically allocate IP addresses. DHCP server
functionality is typically provided by a router.
from 0-255.
IEEE 802.11b
LAN (Local Area Network)
The standard for wireless LAN that uses the 2.4 GHz
frequency band. Transmission speeds of up to 11 Mbps have
been achieved.
LAN usually refers to a relatively small-scale network, made
up of Ethernet lines with transfer speeds of 10 Mbps - 100
Mbps. You can use an access point to connect a wireless
LAN to a wired LAN.
The AIBO® Entertainment Robot ERS-7 is based on IEEE
Subnet mask
By connecting an external network (Internet) to a private
network at home, a router allows one external network line
to be shared by multiple network devices.
Router functionality can be found inside DSL modems,
wireless LAN access points, and other network devices.
While an IP address is composed of 4 numbers ranging from
0-255 (see “IP Address”), in order to manage them more
efficiently, IP addresses are split into network portions and
host portions. This setting is called the subnet mask.
A subnet mask defines the network portion as those bits that
are set to ‘1’.
Example:When a subnet mask of is set for a
device with an IP address of,
SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol)
In a Universal Plug and Play environment, this is the
protocol used to discover network devices.
192.168.1 .1
If you enable SSDP on the AIBO® Entertainment Robot
ERS-7, then you will be able to search the network for the
AIBO robot ERS-7 using the “AIBO WLAN Manager 2”.
Network portion Host portion
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
One type of communication method (protocol) used by
network devices (such as PCs) to communicate.
TCP/IP is the most widely used protocol on the Internet.
This wireless LAN card communicates over TCP/IP.
When communicating over TCP/IP, a number called an “IP
Address” is needed to distinguish among devices.
Also referred to as “Access Point ID”, “Group Name”, and
When a wireless LAN-ready device performs wireless
communication in Infrastructure mode, it uses a string called
an SSID as its wireless network identifier.
The SSID on the AIBO robot should be set to the same SSID
as on the access point.
The SSID can be a maximum of 32 characters. Only
alphanumeric and punctuation characters are allowed.
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)
When using wireless communication, WEP is used to
encrypt data to prevent it from being analyzed by another
party. To enable WEP, you must configure a wireless
passkey called a WEP key.
Wi-Fi Alliance, the wireless LAN industry organization,
prescribed this standard specification to ensure connectivity.
Products that comply with this specification are allowed to
use the “Wi-Fi (certified)” logo.
The wireless LAN module installed in the AIBO robot
ERS-7 is certified by Wi-Fi, and supports connections with
other Wi-Fi certified 2.4 GHz wireless LAN products (IEEE
802.11b compliant).
The AIBO® Entertainment Robot ERS-7 supports both the
WEP64 (40 bit) and the WEP128 (104 bit) encryption
If using WEP64, use 5 alphanumeric characters, or “0x”
followed by 10 hexadecimal characters.
If using WEP128, use 13 alphanumeric characters, or “0x”
followed by 26 hexadecimal characters.
Wireless channel
Under IEEE 802.11b, the 2.4 GHz band is divided into 14
channels. Assigning different channels to different networks
in proximity to one another avoids channel interference.
The AIBO robot ERS-7 can use wireless channels 1-11.
To configure the wireless channel under Infrastructure mode,
set the channel value on the access point. The new setting
will be automatically reflected in all of the network devices.
Customer Support
How can you contact the AIBO Customer Link (for customer
In the U.S.A.:
Call 1-800-427-2988
E-mail address: aibosupport@info.sel.sony.com
In Europe:
English line: +44(0)-20-7365-2937
German line: +49(0)-69-9508-6309
French line: +33(0)-1-5569-5117
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