SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless
Getting Started Guide
SonicWALLTZ 150 Wireless Configuration
This Getting Started Guide covers the following procedures.
Procedures 1 through 7 are required for initial configuration of your
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless security appliance.
What You Need to Begin
A computer to use as a management station for initial
configuration of the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless
An Internet connection
A Web browser for accessing the security appliance’s Web-based
management interface. The Web browser must support Java and
HTTP uploads. Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher or Netscape
Navigator 4.7 or higher are recommended.
Page 2
Collecting Required Information
Internet Service Provider (ISP) Information
Collect the following information about your Internet service:
If you connect via
Please record
• Cable modem
• DSL with a router
You do not need to provide any
Internet connection information.
• Home DSL
• DSL modem
User name:
Note: Your ISP may require your user
name in the format:
• T1
Static IP
IP address:
• Static broadband
• Cable or DSL
with a static IP
Subnet mask:
Default gateway
(router address):
Primary DNS:
S e c o n d a r y D N S ( o p t i o n a l ) :
• Dial in to a server PPTP
Server address:
User name:
Other Information
SonicWALL Management Interface Administrator Account
User name: admin
Password: password
These are the default settings, which you can modify.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
Page 3
Applying Power to the
SonicWALLTZ 150 Wireless
1. Plug the power supply into the back of the security appliance
and into an appropriate power outlet.
Warning: Only use a SonicWALL-approved 12V, 1.66A power
The Power LED
on the front panel lights up green when you
plug in the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless. The Test LED
up and may blink while the appliance performs a series of
diagnostic tests. When the Test LED is no longer lit, the security
appliance is ready for configuration.
If the Test LED remains lit after the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless
has booted, disconnect the power to the security appliance for a
few seconds and plug it back in to restart the unit.
Note: For more trouble shooting information, refer to the
SonicOS Standard 3.0 Administrator’s Guide.
Page 4
Connecting the
SonicWALLTZ 150 Wireless
Connecting the Ethernet Cables
Connect the WAN Cable
Modem or Router
1. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to your Internet
connection, such as a DSL modem or cable modem.
This cable may already be connected between your computer
and your modem. If so, disconnect it from your computer, and
leave it connected to the Internet.
2. Connect the other end of the cable to the WAN port on the back
of your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless.
The WAN LEDs on the front panel light up indicating an active
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
Page 5
Connect the LAN Cable
port 1
1. Connect one end of another Ethernet cable to the computer you
are going to use to manage the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless.
2. Connect the other end of the cable to port # 1 on the back of your
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless.
The port # 1 LEDs on the front panel light up indicating an active
Accessing the Management Interface
To access the Web-based management interface of the
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless appliance, follow these three steps:
1. On the computer you have connected to port # 1, start your Web
Alert: Disable pop-up blocking software before accessing the
SonicWALL management interface.
Your Web browser must support Java and HTTP uploads.
Current versions of Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator,
Mozilla, and Firefox are recommended.
Page 6
2. Enter in the Location or Address field.
3. The SonicWALL Setup Wizard launches and guides you
through the configuration and setup of your security appliance.
If the SonicWALL Setup Wizard Does Not Appear
If you cannot connect to the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless
appliance or the Setup Wizard does not display:
Did you correctly enter the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless
management IP address,, in your Web
Is your computer running pop-up blocking software?
Are the Local Area Connection settings on your computer set
to obtain an IP address dynamically (DHCP)? If not,
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless” on page 27 for instructions on
changing your Local Area Connection settings.
Do you have the Ethernet cable connected to your computer
and to port 1 on your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless?
Some browsers may not launch the Setup Wizard
automatically. In this case, log into the security appliance
using “admin” as the user name and “password” as the
password. After you log in, click the Wizards button on the
System > Status page to launch the wizard.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
Page 7
Using the SonicWALL Setup Wizard
The SonicWALL Setup Wizard provides user-guided instructions for
configuring your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless.
Note: It is important that you have collected any required ISP
information before using the Setup Wizard. See the list in
Procedure 1, “Collecting Required Information” on page 3.
Tip: If you do not know what type of Internet connection you have,
contact your ISP. In addition, the SonicWALL Setup Wizard will
attempt to detect your connection settings.
Welcome - Click Next to begin.
1. Deployment Scenario - Select the wireless deployment scenario
that best matches your deployment requirements. Clicking on the
deployment scenario link displays a diagram of the deployment to
show how the scenario is best used.
Page 8
This Getting Started Guide follows the procedure for setting up an
Office Gateway deployment, which is a commonly used wireless
deployment for LAN and WLAN to Internet connectivity. For
instructions on setting up other deployments, refer to the
SonicOS Standard 3.0 Administrators Guide.
Select Office Gateway and click Next.
2. Change Password - Change the administrative password. This
is the password for the admin account.
Old Password
Should be populated with the default password,
New Password
Enter your new password.
Re-enter your new password.
Note: Keep your new password in a safe place. If you lose your
password, you will have to reset the security appliance to factory
settings and lose your configuration. For instructions on resetting
your security appliance, refer to the SonicOS Standard 3.0
Administrator’s Guide.
Click Next.
3. Change Time Zone - Set the Time Zone to your local time zone.
Time Zone
Select the time zone for your location from the list.
adjust clock
for daylight
saving time
Check this setting if you live in an area that
observes Daylight Saving Time.
Note: It is important that you set the time zone correctly before
you register your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless.
Click Next.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
Page 9
4. WAN Network Mode - The Setup Wizard automatically detects
most networking modes. If it does not detect a networking mode,
you may have a Static IP Address.
Confirm the selection or select the correct type of network
connection for your network.
Static IP
Select Static IP if you want to give the
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless a specific, unchanging
IP address.
Select DHCP if your ISP assigns your computer a
dynamic IP address. DHCP is commonly used with
cable modems.
Select PPPoE if your ISP requires a username and
password to establish a connection and assign a
dynamic address. PPPoE is commonly used with
DSL modems.
Select PPTP if you dial into a specific server and log
into a VPN to establish a connection. With PPTP,
you can have either a static or dynamic IP Address.
Click on the yellow link for a networking type to see a definition.
Click Next.
Page 10
5. WAN Network Mode - The second WAN network mode screen
configures your WAN settings for the selection you made in the
previous screen.
Static IP
The Setup Wizard screen should display:
WAN Network Mode: NAT Enabled (Static IP)
Enter a single, static IP address. This must be
in the address range assigned to you by
your ISP.
WAN Subnet
Enter the subnet mask for your network,
provided by your ISP.
For example,
Enter the IP address of your Internet gateway,
provided by your ISP.
DNS Server
Enter the IP address of the DNS server for your
network, provided by your ISP.
DNS Server
Address #2
You can enter a secondary, back-up DNS
server to use if the first one fails.
Click Next.
The Setup Wizard screen should display:
WAN Network Mode: NAT with DHCP Client
If you selected DHCP, you do not need to enter any WAN
networking settings. The network settings are provisioned
automatically from a DHCP server.
Click Next.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
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The Setup Wizard screen should display:
WAN Network Mode - NAT with PPPoE Client
Obtain an
Select this if your ISP assigns you a dynamic
IP Address
IP address.
Use the
IP Address
Select this if your ISP has assigned you a
static IP address, and enter the address.
PPPoE User
Enter the user name for your Internet account.
Your ISP may require you to enter your
username in e-mail address format, including
“@” and the domain name, for example,
Enter the password for your Internet account.
Check this box if you want the
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless to disconnect
from the Internet if there is no traffic for the
number of minutes you enter.
Click Next.
The Setup Wizard screen should display:
WAN Network Mode: NAT with PPTP Client
PPTP Server
IP Address
Enter the address of the server you are
connecting to.
Enter your network user name.
User Name
Enter your network password.
Page 12
Obtain an
IP Address
Select this if the server assigns you a dynamic
IP address.
Use the
IP Address
Check this if you have been given a static IP
address, and fill in the following three fields.
Enter the static IP address for your connection.
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Enter the subnet mask for your connection.
Enter the address of your Internet Gateway.
Click Next.
6. LAN Settings - The LAN Settings screen configures your LAN
IP Address
Accept the default IP address or enter a new IP
address of the LAN interface. Record the
Subnet Mask
Accept the default, or enter a subnet mask for your
Leave this option checked if you plan to have more
than one Windows computer on your network.
Windows Networking has no effect on computers
with other operating systems.
By default, your security appliance is configured with a LAN
network IP address,, and subnet mask,, which works well for most installations. In most
cases, leave the default LAN IP address and subnet mask
Click Next.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
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7. LAN DHCP Settings - The LAN DHCP Settings screen allows
you to select whether or not to use the DHCP Server in the
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless to automatically distribute IP
addressing information to computers and other network devices
on your LAN.
Leave this checkbox checked to use the DHCP server
in the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless appliance.
Server on
Do not select this option if you already have a DHCP
server on your network, or if you want to require your
network clients to have static IP addresses.
If you enabled the DHCP Server, enter a range of IP
addresses in the same subnet as the LAN IP address,
or leave the default range unchanged. The default
DHCP range will work for most installations
Click Next.
8. WLAN 802.11b/g Settings - The WLAN 802.11b/g Settings
screen allows you to configure your wireless network settings.
For security reasons, change this setting. Enter a
unique name to identify the wireless connection. The
SSID can contain up to 32 numbers and letters.
Select the transmission standard to use. The default,
Mixed, works for most office and home settings.
Select the country where you are deploying this secu-
rity appliance. This configures the channels used to
comply with regulations in your country.
Select the broadcast channel you want the security
appliance to use. The default, AutoChannel automati-
cally detects the channel with the least interference.
page 33 for information on authorized channels.
Click Next.
Page 14
9. WiFiSec VPN Client User Authentication - WiFiSec is a
SonicWALL wireless security implementation that uses an IPSec
VPN to secure wireless network connections. The WiFiSec
screen allows you to create a VPN user for your wireless
Enter a user name for the VPN user.
Enter a unique password for the user.
Re-enter the password.
Note: You can add additional users in the security appliance’s
Management Interface. Refer to the SonicOS Standard 3.0
Administrator’s Guide for instructions on adding users.
Click Next.
10. Wireless Guest Services - Allows guest users to connect to the
Internet without any access to your private network.
Wireless Guest
Check to enable Wireless Guest Services on
your network.
Account Name
Enter the account name your guest users must
use to log into Wireless Guest Services.
Enter a password for the guest account.
Re-enter the password.
Specify the length of time this account may exist
before you need to regenerate it.
Specify the length of time a guest user may be
logged in.
A brief description of the guest account.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
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Note: You can add additional guest accounts in the security
appliance’s Management Interface. Refer to the SonicOS
Standard 3.0 Administrator’s Guide.
Click Next.
11. SonicWALL Configuration Summary - Displays your network
configuration information. Confirm that the settings displayed
Click Apply to apply your settings to the security appliance. If you
click Cancel, no settings will be applied to the security appliance.
The Storing SonicWALL Configuration screen displays during
this process.
Setup Wizard Complete - Your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless is now
successfully configured for LAN, Wireless, and Internet access.
Click Restart to complete the configuration process. The security
appliance will reboot, which may take a minute. When the Test LED is
no longer lit, the security appliance is ready for network traffic.
Page 16
Testing Your Connection
1. After the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless reboots, and the login
page reappears, open another Web browser, and navigate to:
If you can view the SonicWALL home page, you have configured
your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless correctly.
2. If you cannot view the SonicWALL home page, try a second URL.
If you still cannot view a Web page, try one of these solutions:
Restart your management station—it may need to restart to
accept new network settings from the DHCP server in the
security appliance.
If you selected DHCP for your WAN settings, you may need
to specify a host name for your connection:
a. Check with your ISP to see if a host name is required.
Interface” on page 6, and use the LAN IP address you
c. Log in as “admin” with your administrative password.
d. In the menu on the left, click
e. In the Interfaces table, click the configure icon
WAN line.
in the
f. In the WAN Properties window, enter the host name and
click OK.
Use the Setup Wizard again to reconfigure your network
Interface” on page 6, and use the LAN IP address you
b. Log in as “admin” with your administrative password.
c. Click the Wizards button in the top, right corner of the
management interface to restart the wizard.
d. Select Setup and click Next to start the Setup Wizard.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
Page 17
Registering Your
SonicWALLTZ 150 Wireless
Once you’ve established your Internet connection, it is recommended
you register your SonicWALL security appliance at Registering your SonicWALL security appliance
provides the following benefits:
Activate 30-day subscriptions to SonicWALL's
Gateway Anti-Virus/Intrusion Prevention Service,
Content Filtering Service, and Network Anti-Virus Service
Activate SonicWALL security service licenses
Access SonicOS firmware updates
Get SonicWALL technical support
Before You Register
Make sure the time and DNS settings on your security appliance are
correct when you register the device. You should have set these
You need a account to register your security
appliance. You can create a new account directly
from the SonicWALL management interface.
If you already have a account, go to “Registering
Your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless” on page 21 to register your
security appliance.
Note: registration information is not sold or
shared with any other company.
Page 18
Creating a Account
Creating a account is fast, simple, and FREE.
Simply complete an online registration form in the
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless management interface.
If you already have a account, go to “Registering
Your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless” on page 21 to register your
1. If you are not logged into the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless
management interface, log in with the username admin and the
administrative password you set in the Setup Wizard.
2. If the System > Status page is not displayed in the management
interface, click System in the left-navigation menu.
3. On the System > Status page, in the Security Services section,
click the Register link.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
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4. In the Login page, click the here link in “If
you do not have a mySonicWALL account, please click here
to create one.” The account form is
5. In the MySonicWall Account page, enter in your information in
the Account Information, Personal Information and
Preferences fields. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are
required fields.
Note: Remember your username and password to access your account.
6. Click Submit after completing the MySonicWALL Account form.
7. When the server has finished processing
your account, you will see a page saying that your account has
been created. Click Continue.
Congratulations. Your account is activated.
Page 20
Registering Your SonicWALLTZ 150 Wireless
1. If you are not logged into the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless
management interface, log in with the username admin and the
administrative password you set in the Setup Wizard.
2. If the System > Status page is not displaying in the management
interface, click System in the left-navigation menu.
3. On the System > Status page, in the Security Services section,
click the Register link. The Login page is
4. Enter your account username and password
in the User Name and Password fields, then click Submit.
5. The next several pages inform you about SonicWALL’s Security
Gateway Anti-virus - Delivers real-time virus protection for
your entire network
Complete Anti-virus - Delivers desktop and server
anti-virus protection
Premium Content Filtering Service - Enhances productivity
by limiting access to objectionable Web content
Intrusion Prevention Service - Protects your network
against worms, Trojans and application layer attacks
Click Continue on each page.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
Page 21
6. At the top of the Product Survey page, enter a “friendly name”
for your SonicWALL content security appliance in the Friendly
Name field. The friendly name allows you to easily identify your
SonicWALL content security appliance in your account.
7. Please complete the Product Survey. SonicWALL uses this
information to further tailor services to fit your needs.
Note: SonicWALL Product Survey information is not sold or shared
with any other company.
8. Click Submit.
9. When the server has finished processing
your registration, you will see a page informing you that your
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless appliance is registered. Click
Continue, and the System > Licenses page is displayed
showing the available security services. You can activate the
services from this page now or at any time in the future.
Your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless is now fully operational.
You can continue with this Getting Started Guide to:
Set up computers on your network for secure wired or wireless
Internet access.
Mount your security appliance on a wall or to any vertical surface.
Page 22
Connecting Wireless Clients to the
SonicWALLTZ 150 Wireless
For wireless clients to connect to your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless
appliance, they need:
A wireless network card installed and configured for the
security appliance’s service set identifier (SSID), which you
SonicWALL Global VPN Client (GVC) or SonicWALL
Global Security Client (GSC) installed and configured for a
secure wireless connection
Connecting to the Wireless Network
You connect to the wireless network according to the requirements of
your client operating system. Your wireless client may automatically
detect and display the security appliance’s SSID in a list of available
wireless networks or you may need to manually configure your
wireless card with the security appliance’s SSID.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
Page 23
Establishing Secure Wireless Connections
For a wireless client to securely connect to the
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless using WiFiSec, the SonicWALL Global
VPN Client (GVC) or SonicWALL Global Security Client (GSC) must
be installed and configured. Installing and configuring SonicWALL
GVC involves the following procedures:
“Installing the SonicWALL GVC or SonicWALL GSC Using the
Setup Wizard” on page 24
“Creating an Office Gateway Connection Profile Using the New
Connection Wizard” on page 25
“Establishing a WiFiSec VPN Connection Using the WLAN
GroupVPN Policy” on page 26
Installing the SonicWALL GVC or SonicWALL GSC Using
the Setup Wizard
If you do not already have SonicWALL GVC or SonicWALL GSC
1. Insert the SonicWALL Resource CD that came with your security
appliance into your computer.
2. Open the Software folder on the SonicWALL Resource CD.
3. Open the SonicWALL Global VPN Client folder.
4. Open the GVC Zip file.
5. Launch setup.exe.
6. Follow the instructions in the GVC Setup Wizard to install
Note: SonicWALL GVC is free to use for WiFiSec secured wireless
connections. For remote VPN access through a WAN port, you must
have a GVC Client License. For complete product documentation on
SonicWALL GVC or SonicWALL GSC, see your Resource CD or visit
the SonicWALL Web site at:
Tip: You can download the latest GVC installer at SonicWALL’s
product Web site at:
Page 24
Creating an Office Gateway Connection Profile Using the
New Connection Wizard
1. In your Windows Start Menu, select Start > Programs >
SonicWALL Global VPN Client. The first time you open
SonicWALL GVC, the New Connection Wizard automatically
If the New Connection Wizard does not display, click the New
Connection Wizard icon on the far left side of the toolbar to
launch it. Click Next.
2. In the Choose Scenario page, select Office Gateway. Click
3. In the Completing the New Connection Wizard page select any
of the following options:
Select Create a desktop shortcut to this connection, if you
want to create a shortcut icon on your desktop for this VPN
Select Enable this connection when the program is
launched, if you want to automatically establish this VPN
connection when you launch the SonicWALL Global VPN
4. Click Finish. The new VPN connection policy appears in the
SonicWALL Global VPN Client window. If you selected to
enable the connection automatically, it will display the Enter
Username/Password screen immediately.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
Page 25
Establishing a WiFiSec VPN Connection Using the WLAN
GroupVPN Policy
1. In the SonicWALL Global VPN Client window, double-click the
Office Gateway profile.
Depending on your configuration, the Connection Warning
dialog box may display.
2. Click Yes to continue.
3. In the Enter Username/Password dialog box, enter the
authentication credentials for the user configured on the
SonicWALL security appliance’s local user database for access
to the WLAN GroupVPN, such as WiFiSec user you created in
the Setup Wizard.
4. Click OK. You now have secure wireless access.
Note: The status in the GVC window will display Connected
when the connection is established. If it displays Enabled, you
are not yet authenticated with the VPN.
Page 26
Connecting Computers to Your
SonicWALLTZ 150 Wireless
You can attach up to ten computers in any combination of wired and
wireless connections to your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless.
Configuring Computers for Your Network with DHCP
If you enabled the DHCP Server in the Setup Wizard, each computer
on your network must be configured to obtain its IP address
dynamically. The following steps provide instruction on changing the
Local Area Connection settings for four popular versions of
Microsoft Windows.
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Windows NT
Windows 98
Note: If you are not using DHCP, refer to the SonicWALL SonicOS
Standard 3.0 Administrator’s Guide.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
Page 27
Windows XP
1. Open the Local Area Connection Properties window
(Start > Settings > Network Connections on most versions of
Windows XP).
2. Right click on the Local Area Connection icon, and select
3. In the list of connection items, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
and click Properties.
4. Select Obtain an IP address automatically.
5. Select Obtain DNS Server automatically.
6. Click OK, and then OK again to apply the settings.
Windows 2000
1. From your Windows Start menu, select Settings.
2. Open Network and Dial-up Connections.
3. Right click on the Local Area Connection icon, and select
4. Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.
5. Select Obtain an IP address automatically.
6. Select Obtain DNS Server automatically.
7. Click OK, and then OK again to apply the settings.
Windows NT
1. From the Start list, highlight Settings and then select Control
2. Open Network.
3. Double-click TCP/IP in the TCP/IP Properties window.
4. Select Obtain an IP address automatically.
5. Click DNS at the top of the window.
6. Select Obtain DNS Server automatically.
7. Click OK, and then click OK again.
8. Restart the computer to apply the settings.
Page 28
Windows 98
1. In the Start menu, select Settings and then select Control
2. Open Network.
3. Double-click TCP/IP in the TCP/IP Properties window.
4. Select Obtain IP Address automatically.
5. Click DNS Configuration.
6. Select Obtain DNS Server automatically.
7. Click OK, and then click OK again.
8. Restart the computer to apply the settings.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
Page 29
Mounting the
SonicWALLTZ 150 Wireless
You can mount your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless on a wall or any
vertical surface. Use the template on the next page as a guide for
placing the mounting screws.
1. Using the template on the next page, attach two screws to the
surface where you want to mount the security appliance.
The mounting screws should have a head between 3/16” and
1/4” in diameter.
The mounting screws should stick approximately 1/8” out from
the surface.
2. Slide the slots in the back of the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless
over the heads of the mounting screws and then slide the security
appliance down to secure it in place.
Page 30
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Mounting Template
Align front
corner here
Attach mounting screw here
Considerations for Mounting the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless
Mount in a location away from direct sunlight and sources of heat.
A maximum ambient temperature of 104º F (40º C) is
Route cables away from power lines, fluorescent lighting fixtures,
and sources of noise such as radios, transmitters, and broadband
Ensure that no water or excessive moisture can enter the unit.
Allow unrestricted airflow around the unit and through the vents
on the side of the unit. A minimum of 1 inch (25.44mm) clearance
is recommended.
Attach mounting screw here
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
Page 31
Page 32
SonicWALLTZ 150 Wireless Security
Appliance Regulatory Statement and Safety
Regulatory Model/Type
Product Name
TZ 150 Wireless
Note: Detailed regulatory information can be found in the electronic
file, “SonicWALL_TZ_150_Wireless_Regulatory_Statement.pdf,”
located on the SonicWALL Resource CD provided with the unit.
Cable Connections
All Ethernet cables are designed for intra-building connection to other
equipment. Do not connect these ports directly to communication
wiring or other wiring that exits the building where the
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless is located.
Power Supply Information Models APL15-03A
If you need to order a power supply for your
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless, contact SonicWALL Technical Support
at 408-752-7819 for a replacement. This product should only be used
with a UL listed power supply marked “Class 2” or “LPS”, with an
output rated 12 VDC, minimum 1.66 A.
Considerations for Mounting the APL15-03A
North American Authorized Channels
SonicWALL declares that the APL15-03A (FCC ID: QWU-03A) (IC:
4408A-03A) when sold in US or Canada is limited to CH1~CH11 by
specified firmware controlled in the USA.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
Page 33
Glossary of Networking Terms
Default Gateway - A device on an Internetwork that forwards
packets to another network.
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol allocates IP
addresses to computers on the network automatically without
assigning a computer a static (fixed) IP address.
DNS - A Domain Name System is a hierarchical naming system
that resolves a domain name with its associated IP address. A
DNS server looks up the name of a computer and finds the
corresponding IP address. This allows users to access hosts
using friendly text-based names instead of IP addresses. These
names are called fully qualified domain names (FQDN).
IP Address - An Internet Protocol Address is a thirty-two bit
number that identifies a computer or other resource on the
Internet or on any TCP/IP network. The number is usually
expressed as four numbers from 0 to 255 separated by periods,
for example,
ISP - An Internet Service Provider is the company that provides a
connection to the Internet.
LAN - A Local Area Network is typically a group of computers
located at a single location, and is commonly based on the
Ethernet architecture.
NAT - Network Address Translation is an Internet standard that
allows your local network to use private IP addresses, which are
not recognized on the Internet. The IP address used for the router
is the only routable IP address. The computers behind the NAT
can access the Internet through the router, but Internet users
cannot access the computers behind the router.
Packet - A unit of information transmitted over the Internet or
within any TCP/IP network. Packets have a header, which
contains information about the source, destination, and protocol
to be used for the data, and a body, which contains the data being
PPPoE - The Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet supports the
transmission of network packets over an analog phone line.
Page 34
Private IP Address - An IP address for a resource in your
network that is not known or published outside the zone (for
example LAN) where it is located.
Public IP Address - An IP address for a resource in your
network that is published outside your network to the WAN.
Router - A device that routes data between networks through IP
address information in the header of the IP packet. A router
forwards packets to other routers until the packets reach their
destination. The Internet is the largest example of a routed
SSID - A Service Set Identifier is a unique string of characters
that identifies a wireless network
Subnet - A portion of a network. Each subnet within a network
shares a common network address and is uniquely identified by a
subnetwork number.
Subnet Mask - A 32-bit number used to separate the network
and host sections of an IP address. A subnet mask subdivides an
IP network into smaller pieces. An example of a subnet mask
might be for subnet with only eight IP
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is the
basic communication protocol of the Internet. It supports sending
information in packets, and identifies each device with a unique
numeric IP address.
VPN - A Virtual Private Network is a virtual network that encrypts
data and sends it privately over the Internet to protect sensitive
WAN - A Wide Area Network is a geographically distributed
network composed of multiple networks joined into a single large
network. The Internet is a global WAN.
WLAN - A Wireless Local Area Network is a LAN with wireless
connections instead of physical connections.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide
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P/N 232-000579-00
Rev A 01/05
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