Sonance Stereo Amplifier ASAP2 SAT User Manual

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S O N A M P  
A S A P 2  
S A T  
PN.33-2381 4.02  
S T E R E O P O W E R A M P L I F I E R  
CAUTION: Read all of these instructions before you operate and  
save instructions for later use.  
1. Read Instructions - all the safety and operating instructions should be read  
before the appliance is operated.  
2. Retain Instructions - The safety and operating instructions should be retained for  
future reference.  
3. Heed Warnings - All warnings on the appliance and in the operating  
instructions should be adhered to.  
4. Follow Instructions - All operating and use instructions should be followed.  
5.Water and Moisture- The appliance should not be used near water - for  
example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, in a wet  
basement, or near a swimming pool.  
6. Carts and Stands - The appliance should be used only with a cart or stand  
that is stable and sturdy enough to hold the product. An appliance and cart  
combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force and  
uneven surfaces may cause the appliance and cart combination to overturn.  
7. Caution: To prevent electric shock, do not use this (polarized) plug with an  
extension cord, receptacle or other outlets unless the blades can be fully  
inserted to prevent blade exposure.  
8.Ventilation - The appliance should be situated so that its location or position  
does not interfere with its proper ventilation. For example, the appliance should  
not be situated on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface that may block the  
ventilation openings or, placed in a built-in installation, such as a bookcase or  
cabinet that may impede the flow of air through the ventilation openings.  
9. Heat - The appliance should be situated away from heat sources such as  
radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other appliances (including amplifiers)  
that produce heat.  
10. Power Sources - The appliance should be connected to a power supply  
only of the type described in the operating instructions or as marked on  
the appliance.  
11. Grounding or Polarization - Precautions that should be taken so that  
the grounding or polarization of the appliance is not defeated.  
12. Power-Cord Protection - Power supply cords should be routed so that they  
are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against  
them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience  
receptacles, and the point where they exit from the appliance.  
13. Cleaning - Dust the product with a clean cloth. NEVER use water.  
14. Non-use Periods - The power cord of the appliance should be unplugged  
from the outlet when left unused for a long period of time.  
15. Object and Liquid Entry - Care should be taken so that objects do not fall  
and liquids are not spilled into the enclosure through openings.  
16. Damage Requiring Service - The appliance should be serviced by qualified  
service personnel when:  
A. The power-supply cord or the plug has been damaged.  
B. Objects have fallen, or liquid has been spilled into the appliance.  
C. The appliance has been exposed to rain.  
D. The appliance does not appear to operate normally or exhibits a marked  
change in performance.  
E. The appliance has been dropped, or the enclosure damaged.  
17. Servicing - The user should not attempt to service the appliance beyond  
that described in the operating instructions. All other servicing should be  
referred to qualified service personnel.  
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It is important to observe correct polarity when using stereo mode.  
One side of the speaker lead will have some sort of mark, either  
printing, a raised ridge on the insulation or different color of  
conductor. This permits you to know which wire you had connected  
to the + and which to the - speaker terminals so you can do exactly  
the same at the power amplifier terminals.  
Make all speaker, input and control connections before applying  
AC power. Connect the ASAP2 to an unswitched AC outlet. (Or  
switched outlet for bypass mode) Power up the rest of the system  
and proceed with the adjustments below.  
Audio Muting Bypass Switch (rear panel)  
Set this switch to ON position if using the AC trigger function to  
minimize thumps or pops from television audio outputs. If using  
Audio/Video triggering, set to OFF for fastest transition to local source.  
Use Good Wire  
For best results you should never use thin gauge speaker wire – it  
will constrict the sound and deteriorate bass response. We  
recommend use of premium Sonance MediaLinQ® speaker cable,  
which also complies with UL fire rating. Be sure to check local  
codes governing wire that may be installed within walls or ceilings.  
Each brand of wire will have a different characteristic sound and  
some may be more compatible with the sonic “signature” of your  
various components. Your Sonamp ASAP2 is stable with any  
reputable brand of wire and speaker cable.  
Line Level / Speaker Level input switch (rear panel)  
Set to the appropriate input used, choosing the best input for the  
application. Line level is preferred for lowest noise and distortion.  
Line level and Speaker sources cannot be used together.  
Trigger Mode DIP Switch (rear panel)  
On the rear panel there is a small DIP switch for selecting one or  
more combination of trigger to local source. The default factory  
setting is audio/video trigger switch #1.  
AC Line cord  
The ASAP2 features a removable IEC power cord, allowing for easy  
installation. Plug the female end of the power cord into the inlet in  
the rear panel and plug the male end into a grounded wall socket.  
DO NOT plug the power cord into an AC outlet on your  
Use only a heavy duty extension cord, if required, to avoid starving  
the amplifier of all the current necessary for full power operation.  
Switch functions:  
DIP switch 1  
DIP switch 2  
DIP switch 3  
DIP switch 4  
Audio/ Video source trigger (Default)  
External low voltage trigger. 5 to 24 Volts AC or DC  
AC power outlet trigger  
Bypass of automatic triggering. Forced local  
source setting.  
A combination trigger application would be an Audio/ Video trigger  
by VCR signal and an AC Trigger by television power draw.  
Audio Trigger (Dip switch #1 On -- UP Position)  
Speaker Wiring  
ASAP2 includes two source inputs. The default, or "A" input is for the  
remote (house) music system that will play whenever the local source  
is off or completely muted. These inputs are at speaker-level and are  
direct pass through. Connect the remote (house) music system here.  
The Sensing, or B, input is for the local source component such as a  
TV, DVD or CD player, tape player or portable stereo. Whenever this  
local source is turned on and there is an audio signal present at the B  
inputs, the ASAP2 automatically switches itself into the circuit  
amplifying the local signal and driving the room loudspeakers.  
Two pairs of para l lel out put qu ick-connect screw terminals are  
provided. Connect the local loudspeakers to the Speaker A or B  
terminals on the back of the ASAP2. If using two pairs of speakers,  
use only speakers with an impedance of 6 ohms or greater. Use bare  
wire and strip only enough wire (1/4") to fit into the slot in the  
terminal. Before inserting the wire, twist all its strands tightly to  
prevent stray strands that could cause a short circuit between + and  
- terminals! Tighten each terminal connection securely.  
Main Input  
The B inputs have both speaker-level connections and line-level  
connections (RCA jacks). Select either one by sliding the switch on the  
rear panel to connect to the local system. If you use the speaker-level  
inputs, use bare wire and strip only enough wire (1/2") to fit into the  
slot in the terminal.Before inserting the wire,twist all its strands tightly  
to prevent strays that could cause a short circuit between + and -  
terminals! If you use line level inputs, run RCA patch cords from the  
variable outputs on the TV set or other local source. If the local source  
has both line level and speaker level outputs, use the line level outputs  
for better performance.  
This speaker level input is the default or main input when no trigger  
stimulus is applied. If the power is disconnected, the audio passes  
through the main input directly to the speaker outputs. If the Red  
Main source LED is lit,then you are listening to Main input.Pressing  
the power button "off ", will force the unit to Main input. This will  
lock out all Local input automatic mode activity.  
Voltage Turn On Mode (switch set to CENTER or “External Volt” position)  
The Sonamp ASAP2 features a removable voltage input connector  
to connect other electronics with voltage control outputs. When the  
dip switch is set to Voltage Trigger mode, the voltage trigger  
monitors the voltage input connector and turns on the amplifier  
when voltage (either AC or DC) between 5V and 24V is detected.  
Video Trigger (Dip switch #1 On -- UP Position)  
The B input relay may also be activated by the video trigger. This is  
a composite video (RCA jack) which allows the ASAP2 to stay  
locked on to the local TV even when the audio signal is muted for an  
extended period of time. Run a single RCA patch cord from the  
video output source on the receiver or TV to the video trigger input  
on the ASAP2.An additional looping jack output is provided to pass  
through on to the TV video input. Set the trigger by selecting  
DIP switch 1 to ON position. Set Audio trigger to 1/2 rotation.  
Voltage Output Connector  
The Sonamp ASAP2 features a removable voltage output  
connector to provide 12VDC to control other devices such as  
Sonance Industry Upgrades, 12-V relays, or other Sonamps. The  
current draw should not exceed 200mA.  
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Note: the video jack is for triggering purposes only; video signal  
switching is not possible.  
more difficult to trigger.In this case audio, video or low voltage may be  
an alternative option for better triggering stability.  
Local to Main Delay Control Time Adjustment (front panel)  
External Voltage Trigger (Dip switch #2 On -- UP Position)  
The B input relay may also be activated by a low voltage control  
source. This is by connecting a 5 to 24 Volts AC or DC power source  
to the screw terminal block on rear panel. This allows the ASAP2 to  
stay locked on the local source any time power is applied.  
Ty pical applications would be:  
The ASAP2 features an adjustable time delay which varies the  
amount of time it takes for the device to revert to the A input after  
the B input signal has been discontinued. This delay time is set using  
the screw adjustment on the ASAP2 front panel labeled "Delay". The  
range is from 3 seconds (fully counterclockwise) to 90 seconds (fully  
clockwise). Set it for somewhat longer times if the video trigger is  
not used, or the local system is used for classical music or other  
sources containing long, quiet passages. If using audio for triggering,  
set the timing longer. If triggering other than audio, the delay time  
can be set to the shortest time setting (counterclockwise).  
• Control from switched outlet through a wall wart.  
• DC Voltage output of preamp or control device.  
• Relay drive output from out Navigator Master Keypad.  
• Individual zone control such as Sonance Nav Net controller.  
Caution: NEVER Connect to 120VAC line current.  
Local Source Volume Control Adjustment (front panel)  
There are screw adjustments on the front panel for left and right  
volume control (marked "L" & "R") of local or internal power  
amplifier. Use these controls for the volume:  
AC Power Trigger (Dip switch #3 On -- UP Position)  
The B input relay may also be activated by the AC power trigger.This  
is controlled by an AC outlet on rear panel which allows the ASAP2  
to stay locked on to the local TV even when the audio signal is  
muted for an extended period of time. Plug your TV into this outlet,  
set trigger select DIP switch 2 to On position.  
a. If the Local input signal is distorted or increase it if Local source  
has weak output. Typically TV variable output falls into the  
b. If using a variable preamp/receiver output, leave them in the  
fully clockwise position.  
c. If using ASAP2 with passive volume controls, set the passive  
volume control to maximum. Then adjust ASAP2 volume  
controls to nominal level without distortion.  
No Automatic Trigger (Dip switch #4 On -- UP Position)  
This allows the ASAP2 to stay locked on to the local source bypassing all  
automatic functions. This application would be used when ASAP2 is in  
a switched outlet. When off, there would be direct pass through. When  
on, local ASAP2 inputs would be active. Pressing front panel power  
button would allow manual switching from Main to Local sources.  
AC Fuse  
This will blow to protect the unit for possible internal parts failure.  
Never replace the fuse with any size other than indicated on the rear  
panel to avoid more serious damage. Substitution of a larger fuse may  
create serious damage to internal parts and will void your Sonance  
warranty. Note: For continued protection against fire, replace fuse  
with only same type and rating.  
Time Delayed Input Muting (for AC Trigger Mode)  
The ASAP2 mutes the input for 3 seconds to prevent thumps and pops  
created from low quality audio sources. (Typically television audio will  
produce audible thumps on the line out jacks). This application would  
be used when ASAP2 is in a the AC trigger mode.When off,there would  
be direct pass through. When TV is powered on, local ASAP2 inputs  
would be active and wait for 3 seconds for audio to pass. The muting is  
instant turn off, to catch quick off thump. This feature may be  
defeated if source equipment does not exhibit turn on /off thumps, or  
is using modes other than AC triggering.  
The Sonamp ASAP2 features a Smart Amplifier Technology (SAT)  
module bay for future upgadability, greatly increasing the flexibility of the  
amplifier and making it compatible with new protocols. A new module  
can be easily inserted or swapped with another SAT module. Refer  
to the following steps and the figure below for SAT Module removal  
and installation. Note: Make sure power switch is Off and AC  
Voltage i s di sconnected.  
Audio / Video Trigger Control Adjustment - Input Sensitivity  
The ASAP2 can be adjusted for input sensitivity using the recessed  
screw adjustment labeled "sense" on the front panel. As it is turned  
clockwise, the sensitivity increases; counterclockwise makes it less  
sensitive. The unit should be set for the highest level of sensitivity  
that allows proper continuous operation. Operate the B source at a  
moderate volume, then mute the signal (if using a CD or tape player,  
put it in pause). The ASAP2 should switch back to the A source  
(after the time delay period you set above) and stay there. If the  
sensitivity is set too high, random switching may occur as the unit  
sense the residual noise level of the B source. Some experimentation  
may be necessary, but once it is set properly the ASAP2 will not need  
re-adjusting unless the components are changed.  
AC Trigger Control Adjustment (front panel)  
With TV or component on, adjust trigger control by using the recessed  
screw adjustment labeled "A.C. Trig" to the point of trigger. Then turn  
1/8 past that setting. Check operation by switching TV or component  
on and off. If switching remains on, reduce the trigger setting slightly.  
Some components have a small change in current draw and may be  
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1. Unscrew and save the two screws holding the current  
module in place.  
AL1 Module (sold separately):  
2. Pull the module out of the SAT module bay.  
3. Disconnect the ribbon cable.  
4. Select the desired position of any jumpers on the SAT  
module (i.e. high pass filter).  
5. Connect the ribbon cable to the ribbon cable connector on  
the new module.  
The AL1 – Automatic Line Level Switcher Module (sold  
separately) has a default input as well as a sensing input. When  
signal is detected at the sensing input, that signal is fed to the  
amplifier as well as the output jacks. At the same time a 12VDC  
control signal is present on the removable screw connector.  
6. Slide the SAT module into the SAT module bay.  
7. Replace the two mounting screws.  
The following diagrams explain how each SAT module can be  
used with the ASAP2. SAT modules such as the LR1, AL1, and  
ASL1(all sold separately) are available. Contact your Sonance-  
Authorized installer or dealer for more information.  
The sensing input has a sensitivity control as well as a delay  
adjustment which controls the time the module waits after the  
sensing jack signal subsides before switching back to the default  
input. The following diagram shows a ASAP2 amplifier with the  
AL1 module in a restaurant installation. The default input is  
connected to the house restaurant audio and the sensing input  
monitors to the paging microphone. The output is feeding a  
second ASAP2 for two source & whole house switching. Simply  
swap out the Basic SAT module with the AL1 module,and connect  
the equipment as shown in the figure below.  
LR1 Module (sold separately):  
The LR1 – Balanced Line Receiver Module (sold separately) features a  
circuit that cancels out noise on long audio runs, usually greater than  
thirty feet.This module has an input impedance of 10Kand is perfectly  
matched with the Sonance LS1 Balanced Line Sender. The LR1 Module  
provides unbalanced stereo output jacks to feed the signal to other  
amplifiers. The output is set at unity gain. The following diagram shows  
a clean-looking Plasma TV/ In-Wall Speaker installation by using the  
Sonamp ASAP2 with the LR1 module at the equipment rack,  
with the plasma AC triggered by the ASAP2. Simply swap out the  
SAT module with the LR1 module, and connect the equipment  
as shown in Figure below.  
The Sonamp ASAP2 requires no periodic maintenance and has no  
user serviceable parts inside. Do not remove the top cover to avoid  
risk of electric shock.To keep it clean use only a soft cloth and never  
use any solvents or abrasives. Fingerprints may be removed with a  
soft cloth moistened only with a few drops of water.  
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If,within five (5) years from the date shown on the bill of sale, the  
unit fails due to a defect in workmanship or materials, Sonance  
will, at its option and at no charge to the purchaser, repair or  
replace the components of such unit which proves to be defective.  
If you have any questions about the operation or installation  
of your Sonamp® ASAP2, please call our Technical Assistance  
Department on any business day at: (800)582-0772  
or (949)492-7777 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST.  
For this warranty to be effective, the bill of sale must show that  
the unit was purchased from an authorized Sonance retailer.  
This warranty shall apply exclusively to the original purchaser  
and shall not apply to units purchased for industrial or  
commercial use.  
Should your product require repair or service, contact your  
authorized Sonance retailer for help, or use the following procedure:  
1.Prior to calling,note the product model number,serial number,  
purchase date, and original retailer's name and address.  
2. Contact our Technical Assistant Department at the number(s) above  
and describe the problem. If required a Return Merchandise  
Authorization (RMA) number will be issued. IMPORTANT: Do not  
return the unit to Sonance without first obtaining an RMA  
number or it will be returned to you.  
Furthermore, this warranty shall not apply if:  
1. Damage to the unit was caused by accident, abuse or misuse.  
2. The unit was modified, or repaired by unauthorized personnel.  
3.The unit was not used as outlined in the operating instructions.  
Exclusions and Limitations  
3. If you are directed to return the unit to Sonance for repair,  
pack the unit in its original shipping cartons (inner & outer).  
Replacement packaging can be obtained from Sonance for a  
small charge.  
The warranty set forth above is in lieu of all other warranties;  
express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular  
purpose, or otherwise. The warranty is limited to Sonance  
products registered herein and specifically excludes any  
damage to any associated equipment, which may result for any  
reason from use with this product.  
4. Contact United Parcel Service, Federal Express, or RPS to  
arrange prepaid (not collect) shipping. Do not use the United  
States Postal Service. IMPORTANT: Freight collect shipments  
will be refused.  
Sonance shall, in no event, be liable to incidental or  
consequential damages arising from any breach of this warranty  
or otherwise. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and  
you may have other rights, which vary from state to state.  
5. Write the Return Merchandise Authorization number on the  
outside of the shipping carton.  
6. For warranty work, please include a copy of the original bill  
of sale inside the package.  
Output Power, Stereo mode, RMS:  
50 Watts per channel @ 8  
65 Watts per channel @ 4Ω  
Ship the packaged unit to:  
Te c hnical Assistance Department  
Total Harmonic Distortion:  
0.2% 20Hz-20kHz @ 8Ω  
1.0% 20Hz-20kHz @ 4Ω  
B to A Delay:  
3 seconds to 90 seconds (adjustable)  
212 Avenida Fabricante  
San Clemente, CA 92672-7531  
Protection Circuits:  
Signal to Noise Ratio:  
Input Sensitivity:  
Input Impedance:  
Power Requirement:  
Power Consumption:  
Dimensions (WxHxD):  
AC fuse, thermal, short circuit  
-100dB below rated output (A-weighted)  
300MV for 59W @ 8Ω  
47k , Min.  
120 VAC, 50/60 Hz  
360 watts  
16-3/4" x 1-3/4" x 11-5/8" (425mm x 44mm x 295mm)  
Specifications and features subject to change without notice.  
SONANCE • 212 Avenida Fabricante • San Clemente, CA 92672-7531 Technical Support (800) 582-0772 ©2002 All rights reserved. Sonance is a registered trademark of Dana Innovations  
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