VisiKey™ Wired Keyboard Manual
Enhanced Visibility Internet
Model : 100-EVIK
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VisiKey™ Wired Keyboard Manual
Adjusting the Keyboard Legs
The keyboard legs are designed to accommodate various body sizes, chairs, and desks. Pull out
or push in the keyboard legs to a position that minimizes bending of your wrists while typing.
What the Keyboard Lights Mean
The keyboard lights indicate the status of the toggle keys, such as NUM LOCK or CAPS LOCK.
For example, if NUM LOCK is on, the NUM LOCK light is on; if CAPS LOCK is off, the CAPS
LOCK light is off.
The keyboard is a 104-key model; it comes with 15 hot keys to enable one touch access to
multimedia / internet functions.
1. Play/Pause: Play or Pause audio or video CD, or media.
2. Volume Down: Decrease the volume
3. Volume Up: Increase the volume
4. Mute: No sound
5. Previous: Go to the previous media track
6. Next: Go to the next media track
7. Stop: Stop downloading the content of the web page
8. Internet: Open preferred web browser (usually Internet Explorer)
9. E-mail: Open preferred e-mail client (usually Outlook Express)
10. Search: Launch your web Search
11. Backward: Go back to the last web page viewed
12. Forward: Go to the next web page
13. Sleep: Computer goes into sleep mode
14. Wake: Computer wakes from sleep mode
15. Power: Turns computer on/off
Tips for Making Windows™ more visible and easier to see.
Windows™ XP offers different features for users with low vision. These features can be
accessed from the Start Menu, the Control Panel, or the Accessibility Wizard.
The Start Menu Accessibility Programs
The Start menu contains visual enhancement utilities that you can select.
To use the Accessibility Program:
1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Accessibility.
2. Select one of the following features:
a) Magnifier: With this feature, you can enlarge the screen display.
b) Narrator: This feature provides audio assistance about the items that are displayed on the
The most complete description, and step-by-step directions for making Windows™ more
viewable can be found at:
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VisiKey™ Wired Keyboard Manual
Trouble Shooting:
1. If your keyboard is not responding, be sure to check if the connector is correctly installed into
your computer and securely connected to the correct port. Check to see if there are any breaks
or sharp twists in the cable.
2. If your USB keyboard does not respond, make sure that your computer is turned on. If you
connected your mouse while your computer was shut down, try disconnecting and re-
connecting the mouse while the computer is turned on.
3. Keep all items away from direct sunlight, moisture, dirt, extreme heat, and abrasive chemicals
(cleaning solutions).
4. If the keyboard or mouse become accidentally immersed or splashed by liquids, switch off your
PC immediately and unplug all items. Turn the keyboard upside down to drain any liquids. If
the liquid was water, simply let the keyboard dry before using it. If you spilled a sticky
substance on your keyboard, drain the liquid and then completely wipe the keyboard with a
damp cloth. Allow the keyboard to dry completely before reconnecting it to your computer.
5. For optimum performance, keep your keyboard clean and free of debris, such as food crumbs
or dust. Keyboards should be cleaned with “spray and wipe” cleaner with either a cloth or
tissue on a monthly basis.
Health Warning
Use of a keyboard or pointing device may be linked to serious injuries or disorders.
When using a computer, as with many activities, you may experience occasional discomfort in
your hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body. However, if you experience
symptoms such as persistent or recurring discomfort, pain, throbbing, aching, tingling, numbness,
burning sensation, or stiffness, DO NOT IGNORE THESE WARNING SIGNS. PROMPTLY
SEE A QUALIFIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL, even if symptoms occur when you are not
working at your computer. Symptoms such as these can be associated with painful and
sometimes permanently disabling injuries or disorders of the nerves, muscles, tendons, or other
parts of the body. These musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) include carpal tunnel syndrome,
tendonitis, tenosynovitis, and other conditions.
While researchers are not yet able to answer many questions about MSDs, there is a general
agreement that many factors may be linked to their occurrence, including: medical and physical
conditions, stress and how one copes with it, overall health, and how a person positions and uses
his or her body during work and other activities (including use of a keyboard or pointing device).
Some studies suggest that the amount of time a person uses a keyboard may also be a factor. For
guidelines that may help you work more comfortably with your computer and possibly reduce
your risk of experiencing an MSD consult a local physician.
If you have any questions about how your own lifestyle, activities, or medical or physical
condition may be related to MSDs, see a qualified health professional.
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