Use r G uid e
All Tub e C la ss "A" Ste re o Re c o rd ing Am p lifie r a nd Dire c t So urc e
Introduction ..................................................................................... 1
Front Panel Controls........................................................................ 2
Power and Standby ................................................................................ 2
Guitar Input .............................................................................................2
Getting the Feel of the Signature 284 ..............................................3
Tone Controls (Bass, Midrange, Treble and Presence) .........................3
Getting the Tone You Want.............................................................. 5
Rear Panel Connections.................................................................. 6
Speaker Outputs.....................................................................................6
Slave Outputs ......................................................................................... 6
Recording Outputs..................................................................................6
Effects Loop............................................................................................7
Loop vs. Mixer Bus for Effects .........................................................7
Level Matching .................................................................................7
Stereo Loop Examples .....................................................................8
Dual Mono Effect..............................................................................9
Mono Loop Example ........................................................................9
Split Loop Examples ...................................................................... 10
Rear Panel Guitar Input ........................................................................10
Applications ...................................................................................11
General Notes ......................................................................................11
Direct Recording ...................................................................................11
Recording with Directs and Microphones ............................................. 11
Low Volume Live Setup ........................................................................12
High Volume Live Direct ....................................................................... 12
High Volume Live Slave ....................................................................... 12
Example Settings..................................................................................13
Using the Signature 284 with non-Guitar Sources ...............................15
Power Amp for Tube Warmth.........................................................15
Harp ............................................................................................15
Keyboards ......................................................................................15
Vocals ............................................................................................16
Acoustic Guitar ............................................................................... 16
Digital Effects .................................................................................16
Re-Amping .....................................................................................16
Precautions and Maintenance ......................................................17
Specifications .................................................................................18
Limited Warranty
Lexicon Incorporated offers the following warranty on the Signature 284 Amplifier.
Duration of the Warranty
This warranty will remain in effect for one (1) year from the date of original purchase. Tubes provided with the
original unit are warranted to be free from defects for six (6) months from the date of original purchase.
Who May Enforce the Warranty
This warranty may be enforced by the original purchaser and subsequent owners during the warranty period,
so long as the original dated sales receipt or other proof of warranty coverage is presented when warranty
service is required.
What is Covered and What is Not Covered
Except as specified below, this warranty covers all defects in material and workmanship in this product. The
following are not covered by the warranty:
1. Damage resulting from:
A. Accident, misuse, abuse, or neglect.
B. Failure to follow instructions contained in your Owner's Manual.
C. Repair or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by Lexicon.
D. Failure to perform recommended periodic maintenance.
E. Causes other than product defects, including lack of skill, competence, or experience of user.
2. Damage occurring during any shipment of this product (claims must be presented to the carrier).
3. Damage to any unit which has been altered or on which the serial number has been defaced,
modified, or removed.
What We Will Pay For
We will pay all labor and material expenses for covered items. Payment of shipping charges is discussed in
the next section of this warranty.
How You Can Get Service
If your unit needs service, please write or telephone us and we will advise you where the unit should be taken
or sent. If you write us, include your name, complete address, daytime telephone number and description of
the problem(s). Please do not return your unit to the factory without our prior authorization.
If it is necessary to ship the product for service:
A. You must pay for any initial shipping charges, but if the necessary repairs are covered by the warranty,
we will pay the return shipping charges via a carrier of our choice to any destination within the United
B. The unit should be packed securely, and we suggest that it be insured.
C. Do not include accessories such as power cords or manuals.
Whenever warranty service is required, a copy of the original dated sales receipt must be presented.
Limitation of Implied Warranties
Any implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are
limited in duration to the length of this warranty.
Exclusion of Certain Damages
Lexicon's liability for any defective product is limited to repair or replacement of the product, at our option.
Lexicon shall not be liable for:
1. Damages based upon inconvenience, loss of use of the product, loss of time, interrupted operation,
commercial loss; or
2. Any other damages, whether incidental, consequential, or otherwise.
How State Law Relates to the Warranty
Some states do not allow limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts and/or do not allow the exclusion or
limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
This warranty is not enforceable outside of North America. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and
you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Sig na ture 284 Use r G uid e
You know the moment — the one where the volume is cranked to the limit and
the guitar player looks as though his guitar might be playing him — as though
they're locked in some ritual combat in another zone entirely. Well, this trip
doesn't require illicit drugs, a rare coincidence of zodiac signs, or even the rush
of an audience — just you, your guitar and a fully cranked all-tube amp. If you've
been there, you know. If you've seen it but never felt it, hold onto whatever's
handy because the Signature 284 is your ticket to ride.
When a tube amp is turned way up, the amp’s power section is pushed beyond
the point where it's just making the preamp louder — the power tubes and
transformer begin to add their own characteristic distortion and dynamic
signatures to the sound.
This is where magic happens. The wide open amp becomes an expressive
extension of the guitar, responding to your playing. You can control the amount
of distortion and sustain simply by varying touch, or by making subtle adjust-
ments to the guitar volume control. The bad news is that most tube amps are
incredibly loud when they're turned up to this point. Larger amps (over 15 Watts
or so) are so loud when you crank them up, that the loudness interferes with
recording — the guitar sounds great, but it’s bleeding into the drums, and the
vocal mics — and you can forget about playing that loud at home.
The good news is that the Signature 284 was designed to solve this problem by
delivering the touch and tone of a cranked up amp — without the bone crushing
volume. It uses a low wattage power section — so when you crank it up to the
point where the magic happens, the volume level is relatively low. The stereo
power amp in the Signature 284 uses two EL 84s in a Class A configuration. Its
output power is rated at 3 Watts (RMS) per side. (Don’t be put-off by this
seemingly small number. For recording or practicing at home, this amp is plenty
loud—wemeasure>100dBSPLat1meterwhenused withourSB210cabinet.)
The low power design is the key to producing great sound at moderate volume
levels —but it takes more than that to make a great amp. Other features include:
high gain preamp (three 12AX7s), beautifully voiced tone controls, tube-driven
stereo effects loop, balanced recording outputs, speaker simulators, and built-
in passive loads for silent recording.
While it is designed primarily for recording, the Signature 284 is a great stage
amp too. There are three ways to boost the volume: Mike the cabinet, use the
recording outputs as a direct feed to the PA, or use the slave outputs to drive a
larger power amp /guitar cabinet rig.
All of these applications, and more are described in this manual. Please take the
time to look it over to make the most of your investment. We think that this is a
great amp — and we hope you will too.
Le xic o n
Front Panel Controls
Aswithanytubeamp,you’llgetthe longestlifefromthe tubesbyusingthePower
and Standby controls properly.
Power and Standby
The Standby switch should be in the standby position before turning the amp on
with the Power switch. After switching the Power on, allow the amp to warm up
for 30 seconds or so before switching Standby to On.
To protect speakers and other audio equipment connected to the Signature 284
(as well as your ears), switch the amp to Standby before inserting a guitar cord
into the input jack. Do not switch out of Standby until all connections between
the guitar and the amp (stomp boxes, etc.) have been made.
Switch to Standby whenever the amp will be idle for more than a few minutes
(between sets, or when listening back to the mix). If the amp is not going to be
used for an extended period of time (more than an hour or so),switch to Standby
and turn Power off.
Guitar Input jacks are provided at both the front and rear. Select one of these for
your guitar input. (The rear panel input is provided as a convenience for custom
installations — the input at the front panel overides any input at the rear panel.)
Guitar Input
This is the preamp input sensitivity control. It controls the amount of preamp
overdrive or distortion. For guitars with passive pickups, the cleanest tones can
be found at settings from 1-4. As the knob is turned past 4, the amount of
overdrive on your loudest notes will gradually increase.
(Pull for Boost)
The Gain knob isalso apush/pullswitch.Push the knob in for tones ranging from
clean to vintage blues. Pull the knob out for tones that cover the range from
vintage blues to modern, high gain distortion.
Throughout this manual, the drawings that represent the Gain control will be
shaded to show the knob pulled OUT, unshaded to show it pushed IN.
Sig na ture 284 Use r G uid e
Front Panel Controls
Getting the Feel of the Signature 284
Like any classic tube amp, distortion is very dynamic in the Signature
284 — The amount of distortion is controlled by your playing style and
dynamics. To get a cleaner sound, play a little lighter instead of
changingthe ampsettings. Toget more sizzle intoa note or phrase, dig
in as you pick it.
Ifyou’ve neverhadtheexperienceofworkingwithasinglechanneltube
amp before, the following may help you to get the hang of it. The basic
idea is to use your guitar’s volume control along with changes in your
playing style to pull in any tone from clean to mean.
1. Switch to your loudest pickup andturn your guitar volume up to 10.
2. Set the Left and Right Volume controls to "7".
3. Play, and turn up the Gain control until you’ve got the amount of
distortionoroverdrive thatfitsyourmost aggressivestyle.(Pullout
the knob for High Gain if that's your thing.)
4. Now, turn your guitar volume down to about 7 and experiment with
varyingyourtouchtoget cleanchordsandlines.You’llfindthatyou
can cover the range of clean to bluesy overdrive just with touch.
5. Use the guitar volume control to “change channels.” Use 7 as a
“solo channel”.
Soon, you’ll find you can set and forget the amp — and just focus on
playing what you feel.
The tone controls on the Signature 284 are very powerful — even small Tone Controls
adjustments can make big changes to the sound. There are no wrong settings.
Whatever sounds good is right!
(Bass, Midrange,
Treble and Presence)
Eachcontrolcoversa differentbandoffrequencies. Bass,Midrange, andTreble
are independent — changes made to one will not effect the others. The effect
of the Presence setting is dependent upon the amount of Treble. If Treble is set
to 0, Presence settings will have no effect. Increasing the Treble setting will
increase the amount of Presence. (Note that the opposite is not true — changes
to Presence have no effect on Treble.)
Here’s a quick way to hear what each control contributes to the overall tone:
1. Set each of the tone controls to 0 and play. You will hear no sound. Now, turn
Bass up and play. You will hear only the frequencies affected by the Bass
2. Turn Bass back to 0, turn up Midrange, and play. Now you hear only the
frequencies controlled by Midrange. As Midrange controls the “meat” of
guitar tones, this control has the most effect on the character of the sound.
3. Now, turn Midrange to 0, turn up Treble, and play to hear the frequencies
affected by the Treble control.
4. Turn Treble to 0, turn up Presence and play. You won’t hear anything,
because the Presence control is dependent on the Treble control. Turn
Treble back up, turn up Presence and play. Now you will hear the glassy top
end added by this control.
Neutral settings for the tone controls
Bass, Midrange and Treble=5
Front Panel Controls
Le xic o n
The left and right volume controls are master input level controls for the Class
“A” stereo power amp. These controls determine loudness, but, more impor-
tantly, they control the quality of the power amp’s contribution to the overall tone.
Many vintage amps have no master volume control — the input control sets both
preamp sensitivity and the power amp level. Because of the fixed relationship
of the preamp and power amp levels in vintage amps, the input control has to
be turned up pretty high to reach the “sweet zone” where the power amp circuitry
begins to sing. Also, the amount of preamp/power amp distortion at the sweet
zone differs in many classic amps — giving each a distinct sonic signature. The
Signature 284’s independent gain and left and right volume controls make it
possible to dial-in a wide variety of classic and modern amp tones from a single
guitar amplifier.
On a typical tube amp the sweet zone where this sonic magic happens doesn’t
come in to play until the amp is cranked past 7 or so. Because the Signature 284
isdesignedwithanextended sweetzone,you’llfindthateven withcleanpreamp
settings, the power amp begins to add it’s own character to the tone as the
Volume controls are turned up past 5.
It is important to realize that the Volume controls of the Signature 284
should be used to dial in tone, not loudness.
The low power design is one of the main features that makes this a superb
recording amp and direct source. When connected to a recording or PA mixer,
loudness is determined at the console (fader settings, monitor send levels).
When connected to guitar cabinets, the loudness is, of course, determined by
the Left and Right Volume controls — but remember that, in the Signature 284,
these are also powerful tone controls. Turning up to get louder, will also change
the sonic character of the amp's tone.
When connected to guitar cabinets, you’ll find that the Signature 284 has plenty
of volume for home practice and recording overdubs. In fact, the essence of its
design is to deliver the great tone of an big amp cranked up, without the bone
crushing volume. This also means that, by itself, the Signature 284 cannot cover
live drums or most club situations.
For more volume, you have several options:
• Mike the cabs connected to the Signature 284.
• Use the slave outs to drive a separate power amp/guitar cab rig.
• Use the recording to provide a direct feed to the PA.
Examples of each of these options are detailed in the Applications section of
this manual.
Sig na ture 284 Use r G uid e
Front Panel Controls
Getting the Tone You Want
The sonic signatures of many different guitar sounds are based on
power amp behavior as much as preamp gain and tone settings.
For modern high gain tones, use Gain Boost (pull out the Gain knob) to
get lots of preamp distortion, but keep the power amps clean by setting
the knob no higher than 4 or so. This will deliver a smooth, tight
distortion with lots of definition.
For vintage blues tones, keep the Gainin Normal mode (pushed in), but
crank it up to 7 or so to push the power amps harder. You’ll notice that
the amount of “sag” (power amp compression) increases as you turn
the Volume controls beyond 5. When set up this way, the Signature 284
is most responsive to nuances of touch and style — the tone is totally
authentic, the voice is yours alone.
For tones that emphasize the Class “A” characteristics of the power
amps, keep the Gain in Normal mode (pushed in) and set it below 5.
Dial in some power amp distortion by setting the Volume controls
above 5. Pushing the power amps this way creates a throaty quality —
you’ll also notice that the tone controls are very responsive when the
amp is used this way.
Le xic o n
Rear Panel Connections
Speaker Outputs
You can drive any combination of 8 ohm and 4 ohm guitar cabinets from these
connectors. Be sure that the ohm selector switch matches the rating for the
connected cabinet. (You can, for example, connect an 8 Ohm cabinet to the left
and a 4 Ohm cabinet to the right.).
Although the Signature 284 uses a low power design, it has plenty of power to
drive any 1 or 2 speaker guitar cabinet rated at 4 or 8 Ohms. (4x12 half-stacks
that can be split for stereo also sound great.) As the type of cabinet has a big
effect on the overall sound, you can create many different tonal voices by
changing cabinets. When using stereo effects, you will probably want to use
matched cabinets for the left and right speakers, but be sure to experiment with
usingtwodifferent cabinetsat once —a closed-back 10and aopen-back12 can
sound great together.
Disconnect speakers by
removing the speaker
cable from the amp, NOT
the speaker cabinet.
The Signature 284 can be operated with either or both speakers disconnected.
Independent passive loads are connected automatically when no jack is
inserted into the speaker output.
Do NOT insert jacks into the rear panel speaker outputs
when using the amp without speakers.
Slave Outputs
The slave outputs carry post power amp signals attenuated to line level (+4dB,
unbalanced). Their primary purpose is to provide a means of getting more on-
stage volume for live use by driving a stereo slave power amplifier connected to
guitar cabinets. As these outputs are derived from the power amp outputs, they
carry the voice and tone of the whole amp — exactly as sent to the speakers.
Connect the inputs of any high quality power amp (solid state or tube) to these
outputs for a faithful (but louder) version of the Signature 284’s sound.
These outputs are post power amp signals attenuated down to line level (+4dB,
balanced) and run through a unique recording compensation circuit that
simulates the sound of two different speakers. The primary function of these
outputs is to provide a direct feed that is the sonic equivalent of a pair of well
miked speaker cabs to a PA system or a recording console. A separate switch,
provided for each recording output selects Smooth (think "4-12 cab”) or Bright
(think "2-10 cab”). A separate ground lift switch is provided for each recording
Recording Outputs
Sig na ture 284 Use r G uid e
Rear Panel Connections
The Effects Loop is instrument level (-20dB instrument level) to allow use of
stomp boxes or studio gear in the loop.
Effects Loop
Thesendsbothcarrythesame signal(“y”cord fromthepreampout).Thereturns
are wired for stereo, mono, or parallel (split) operation:
STEREO For use with a single stereo effects processor or two mono effects
processors (one on the left and the other on the right). Audio from
twoseparatejackscanbe routedindependentlytotheleft andright
power amps via the left and right returns.
MONO For use with a mono effects processor feeding both left and right
power amps. Audio from a single jack can be sent to both power
amps at the same time. (Use the LEFT return only.)
SPLIT For use with a mono effects processor inserted in the right power
amp and no effects in the left power amp.Audio from a single jack
canbe senttothe right whilethe leftreceivesitssignaldirectlyfrom
the preamp. (Use the RIGHT return only.)
Loop vs. Mixer Bus
for Effects
In recording situations where you are tracking with effects, be sure to listen with
the effects in the loop. There’s a big sonic difference between inserting effects
like delay, chorus, flange, reverb etc. in the effects loop of a guitar amp and
adding them at the console. When inserted in the loop, the amp/speaker (or
speaker simulators) add warmth, compression and some harmonic enhance-
ment to the effects.
When using effects in the loop of any amp, it is very important to match the levels
properly. A level mismatch can have a negative effect on the amps overall tone.
As the Signature 284 is a stereo amp, you can match effects loop levels
accurately by ear. Here’s how:
Level Matching
of the Effects Loop to set
and match levels.
Once levels are set and matched,
connect the left side of the loop.
1. Turn both the input and output of the effect all the way down and bypass the
2. Connect the right send of the Signature 284 to the mono (or right) input of the
Le xic o n
Rear Panel Connections
3. Connect the mono (or right) output of the effect to the right return of the
Signature 284.
4. Set the guitar, preamp and the Left Volume control of the Signature 284 for
your loudest playing.
5. Turn up the effect input control to optimum level.
6. Set the Right Volume control of the Signature 284 to the same position as the
Left Volume. (No sound will be heard from the right side yet.)
7. Turn up the effect output control until the left level matches the right. (The
effects unit is now properly set.)
8. Connect the second channel of the effect to left side of the loop.
Stereo Loop Examples
Stereo Effects
Inserting a Stereo In-Stereo Out processor
in the Signature 284 Effects Loop
Inserting a Mono In-Stereo Out processor
in the Signature 284 Effects Loop
Rear Panel Connections
Sig na ture 284 Use r G uid e
Inserting Two Mono Effects processors in parallel
in the Signature 284 Effects Loop
Dual Mono Effects
The Left channel has Effect 1
only; the Right channel has
Effect 2 only.
Mono Loop Example
Inserting a Mono Effect
in the Signature 284 Effects Loop
ust use the
Le xic o n
Rear Panel Connections
In a mono situation (live or laying down a mono track), try running the effects
through only the right side (100% wet). This allows you to have two guitar feeds.
The left is totally dry guitar, the right is guitar effects. In a live situation, this gives
you the flexibility of adjusting the dry/effect balance from the console. When
recording, it allows you to track with the effect and adjust the balance during the
Split Loop Examples
Youcanalsothinkofthisasamonoparallelloop. The rightchannelisunaffected
guitar tone, the left channel is the effects level.
Creating a Split Loop with a Mono Effect
inserted in the Signature 284 Effects Loop
You must use the
Right Return.
Your guitar can be connected to the Signature 284 via either the front or rear
panel input jacks. The rear panel input is provided as a convenience for custom
installations. Plugging into the front panel input overides any input connected at
the rear panel input.
Rear Panel
Guitar Input
General Notes
The Signature284is different from most ampsin that itisoptimized for recording
vs. on-stage performance. Its low output power amp makes it possible to
achieve great tone at low volume levels. Keep this in mind in situations where
you need lots of on stage volume and remember to set the controls to produce
the tone you want — not the loudness. Once you’ve dialed in the tone/distortion
that you want, use a mixer or slave amp to create the volume level you need.
When going direct, think of the left and right volume controls as addtional tone
controls rather than as volume controls. Use them to dial in the amount of power
amp distortion you want in your sound. Set your levels at the channel fader(s)
of the console.
In most live situations, you’ll need to reinforce the loudness of the 284. The slave
amp and recording outputs are provided for that purpose. Use the recording
outputs to feed the mixing console. Reinforce the front-of-house and stage
monitor mixes from the console (as you would with a miked guitar cabinet). Use
the slave outs to feed a separate power amp and guitar cabs to get louder on-
stage volume. Remember that the slave outs are post power amp — so all of
the characteristics of the 284’s class A power stage are present in the signal.
You can get great results running into a solid state power amp/guitar cab rig.
Direct recording
Recording with directs
and microphones
Le xic o n
Low volume live setup
High volume live direct
High volume live slave
Sig na ture 284 Use r G uid e
Here are some settings for you to try. Guitar and pickup types are shown if they
contribute significantly to the sound.
Example Settings
Stratocaster/Neck pickup
Clean Funk
Stratocaster/Bridge and Neck pickups
Clean Country
Stratocaster, Telecaster
Single-coil, Humbucker
60's Vox
Humbucker (Bridge)
Le xic o n
Texas Blues
Stratocaster/ Neck
80's Marshall
Humbucker (Bridge)
High Gain
Humbucker (Neck and Bridge)
Singing Lead
10 One Size Fits All
Any pickup, any type music
(Use guitar volume control to go from Clean to High Gain)
Sig na ture 284 Use r G uid e
Although designed primarily for guitar, the Signature 284 can be quite useful for
processing other sources. Its rack mount design, effects loop, multiple stereo
outputs and the ability to operate with no speakers connected make it quite a
versatile tube processor for stage or studio.
Using the
Signature 284 with
non-Guitar Sources
Once the Signature 284 is wired into your studio, you’ll find that it can be pretty
useful as a stereo tube processor. Use it to add warmth, compression, and the
characteristic harmonic distortion of Class “A” tube amplification, to any source.
Run stereo sources into the effects returns and use the Left and Right Volume
controlstosetthetoneofthepoweramp. Unlessyou’repushingthe poweramps
into distortion, you can use the Slave outputs as well as the Recording outputs
for bringng audio back into the console. Each has its own characteristic sound
(The Recording outputs have a compensation circuit that simulates the signa-
turesofdifferent speakers,whiletheSlaveoutputshave nocompensationcircuit
and therefore a flatter overall signal response.)
Power Amp for Tube
The small size and big tone of the Signature 284 make it a perfect harp amp. In
fact, the Signature 284 can be the center piece of the ultimate jamming rig. All
you need are your harps, a high-impedance microphone and the Signature 284,
and you're ready to sit in.
When using the Signature 284 as a harp amp, you’ll find that it has more than
enough gain for even the raunchiest tone. To start out, keep things pretty clean:
Gain pushed in and set to 3-4, Left and Right Volume at around 5.
To add more grit and compression, experiment with the effect of raising either
the Gain control (for more preamp distortion), or the Volume controls (for more
power amp distortion). Both types of sound lend themselves well to harp.
For live performance, speaker cabs are optional. The recording outputs provide
no-compromise direct feeds to the house PA and stage monitors.
In the studio, there’s never been an easier way to get “the sound” onto tracks.
As with guitar, you can go direct, mic cabinets, or use a combination of both. If
you track with reverb or other effects, take advantage of the stereo effect loop
to insert the reverb between the preamp and power amps.
Lead Synth
Need to add a searing edge to a lead synth track? One trick is to run the synth
through a guitar amp. Go easy on the distortion at first - just running the synth
through the Signature 284 set for “clean” will produce a dramatic effect. If you’re
tracking with effects, insert them in the effects loop.
Stereo Keyboards
Many digital keyboards can benefit from the addition of some tube warmth. One
obviouscandiate for“tubification”isanyorgansound,particularlyB-3withrotary
speaker. Run the stereo outputs of the synth into the effects returns of the
Signature 284, connect the Recording outputs to the mixer and set the Volume
controls to dial in an appropriate amount of “grind”.
Le xic o n
Looking for a more radical effect than can be obtained with a tube mic preamp?
Depending on how drastic you want to be, run the vocal through either the Guitar
input (easy on the gain!) or the effects return.
Here again, the Signature 284 has something to offer as an alternative way to
process a source. There are several approaches — all yield different, but
musical, results. If the acoustic guitar is a mono source, be sure to experiment
using the guitar input, gain and tone controls as well as bypassing the preamp
altogether and running directly into the power amps via the effects returns. If the
guitar is stereo, patch into the effects returns. In either case, be sure to compare
different sounds obtainable from the Slave and Recording outputs.
Acoustic Guitar
You can use the Signature 284 to “warm up” the characteristically cold sound of
some digital effects processors. Connect the stereo outputs of the processor to
the stereo effects returns of the Signature 284. Set the Volume controls to 5 or
less. Different results will be obtained from the Slave and Recording outputs -
be sure to compare.
Digital Effects
Re-amping a guitar track means to take a previously recorded guitar track and
process it through a guitar amp. This is not often done, but sometimes it’s nice
(or necessary) to go back and change the settings on the amp after the track has
been laid down. The best way to do this is to record a separate track of direct
(unamplified) guitar along withtheamplifiedtrack. Todo this,use agoodquality,
active direct box to split the guitar signal before it gets to the amp. (You must use
an active direct box — as opposed to a passive Y-cord — so that the guitar amp
input “sees” the correct impedance.) It’s your choice as to whether to connect
the direct box before or after any stomp boxes that are used between the guitar
and the amp input.
Set the amp as you normally would, but when you hit RECORD, always record
thedirect guitaron aseparatetrack.Once thetrackhasbeenrecorded,youhave
theoptionof replacingor augmenting theamplifiedtrackwithadditionalversions
of the original performance run through different amplifier settings and effects.
Sig na ture 284 Use r G uid e
Precautions and Maintenance
General Maintenance
The Signature 284 requires no maintenance. It is, however, good electrical
practice tocleanallconnectorsonceayear.Anoccasionaldustingofthe exterior
surface with a soft cloth helps maintain the unit's finish. Do not use any abrasive
chemicals or cleaners as these will damage the surface.
Most tube amp problems are in the tubes themselves. A simple swapping of
tubes can save a great deal of time, trouble and frustration. Although tube
replacement is a simple procedure, it should be performed by experienced
The Signature 284 contains no user-serviceable parts.
Refer all service to qualified technical personnel.
• Do not expose amplifier to moisture, rain, water, direct
sunlight or extreme temperatures.
• ConnectamplifieronlytoanACpowersupplythatmeetsthe
specifications listed on the rear of the unit.
• Always ensure that the amplifier is properly grounded.
• Make sure that the amplifier has adequate air circulation
near the rear vents.
• To avoid damage to speakers and other playback equip-
ment, turn off the power to all equipment before making
• Do not use excessive force in handling controls.
• Remove the power plug from the AC mains if the amplifier
is to be stored for an extended period of time.
• Disconnect the AC Power Cord before removing the cover
for service.
• Avoid direct contact with heated tubes.
Le xic o n
Preamp Tubes: 3 x 12AX7
Gain: pull for boost
Tone Controls: Bass, Midrange, Treble, Presence
Effects Loop Stereo send: 2 x 1/4” unbalanced, -20dB
Stereo return: 2 x 1/4” unbalanced. -20dB
Power Amp Type: Stereo, Class “A”
Tubes: 2 x EL 84
Power: 2 x 3 Watts RMS
Controls: Left Volume, Right Volume
Outputs Speakers: Left (8/4 Ω), Right (4/8 Ω)
Separate passive loads for left and right speaker outputs
Recording: 2 x XLR, balanced, +4dB
Compensation: separate speaker simulators (smooth, bright)
Separate ground lift switches (push for ground lift)
Slave: 2 x 1/4” unbalanced, +4dB
No compensation
General Dimensions: 19.0” x 3.50” x 10.5”
19” rack mount standard, 2U high
Weight: 24 lbs
Power: 115 VAC, 60Hz, 100 Watts
Safety Compliance: CLA (City of Los Angeles)
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Lexicon Inc.
3 Oak Park
Bedford MA 01730-1441 USA
Telephone 781-280-0300
Fax 781-280-0490
Lexicon Part # 070-12856
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